2019 Publications


  1. Imaging the Thermal and Kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Signals in a Sample of 10 Massive Galaxy Clusters: Constraints on Internal Velocity Structures and Bulk Velocities
    Sayers, Jack; Montaña, Alfredo; Mroczkowski, Tony; Wilson, Grant W.; Zemcov, Michael; Zitrin, Adi; Cibirka, Nathália; Golwala, Sunil; Hughes, David; Nagai, Daisuke; Reese, Erik D.; Sánchez, David; Zuhone, John
    2019 ApJ 880, 45 ADS doi
  2. A SiO J = 5 → 4 Survey Toward Massive Star Formation Regions
    Li, Shanghuo; Wang, Junzhi; Fang, Min; Zhang, Qizhou; Li, Fei; Zhang, Zhi-Yu; Li, Juan; Zhu, Qingfeng; Zeng, Shaoshan
    2019 ApJ 878, 29 ADS doi
  3. Gravity, Magnetic Field, and Turbulence: Relative Importance and Impact on Fragmentation in the Infrared Dark Cloud G34.43+00.24
    Tang, Ya-Wen; Koch, Patrick M.; Peretto, Nicolas; Novak, Giles; Duarte-Cabral, Ana; Chapman, Nicholas L.; Hsieh, Pei-Ying; Yen, Hsi-Wei
    2019 ApJ 878, 10 ADS doi
  4. CO Multi-line Observations of HH 80-81: A Two-component Molecular Outflow Associated with the Largest Protostellar Jet in Our Galaxy
    Qiu, Keping; Wyrowski, Friedrich; Menten, Karl; Zhang, Qizhou; Güsten, Rolf
    2019 ApJ 871, 141 ADS doi


  1. ATM, the reference atmospheric radiative transfer model for ALMA
    Pardo, Juan R.
    2019 ALMA Development Workshop ADS doi
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