2003 Publications

Journal papers

  1. A broadband superconducting detector suitable for use in large arrays
    Day, Peter K.; LeDuc, Henry G.; Mazin, Benjamin A.; Vayonakis, Anastasios; Zmuidzinas, Jonas
    2003 Nature 425, 817 ADS
  2. Magnetic Fields in Cool Clouds within the Central 50 Parsecs of the Galaxy
    Chuss, D.T.; Davidson, Jacqueline A.; Dotson, J. L.; Dowell, C. D.; Hildebrand, R..; Novak, G.; Vaillancourt, J.E.
    2003 ApJ 599, 1116 ADS
  3. Dense Molecular Clumps in the Orion Bar Photon Dominated Region
    Lis, D.C., Schilke, P.
    2003 ApJL 597, L145 ADS
  4. The High Angular Resolution Measurement of Ion and Neutral Spectra as a Probe of the Magnetic Field Structure in DR 21(OH)
    Lai, Shih-Ping; Velusamy, T.; Langer, W. D.
    2003 ApJL 596, L239 ADS
  5. First Detection of Doubly Deuterated Hydrogen Sulfide
    Vastel, C., Phillips, T.G., Ceccarelli, C., Pearson, J.
    2003 ApJL 593, L97 ADS
  6. Indications of Inflow Motions in Regions Forming Massive Stars
    Wu, J., Evans, N.J., II
    2003 ApJL 592, L79 ADS
  7. Peculiar Velocity Limits from Measurements of the Spectrum of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect in Six Clusters of Galaxies
    Benson, B. A.; Church, S. E.; Ade, P. A. R.; Bock, J. J.; Ganga, K. M.; Hinderks, J. R.; Mauskopf, P. D.; Philhour, B.; Runyan, M. C.; Thompson, K. L.
    2003 ApJ 592, 674 ADS
  8. A 12CO J=6-5 Map of M82: The Significance of Warm Molecular Gas
    Ward, J., Zmuidzinas, J., Harris, A., Isaac, K.
    2003 ApJ 587, 171 ADS
  9. Chemistry and dynamics in pre-protostellar cores
    Lee, J.E., Evans, N.J., Shirley, Y.L., Tatamatsu, K.
    2003 ApJ 583, 789 ADS
  10. Detection of a Second, Strong Submillimeter HCN Laser Line Toward Carbon Stars
    Schilke, P., Menten, K.M.
    2003 ApJ 583, 446 ADS
  11. First Detection of Vibrationally Excited HNC in Space
    Schilke, P., Comito, C., Thorwirth, S.
    2003 ApJL 582, L101 ADS
  12. From Massive Protostars to a Giant HII Region: a Submillimeter Mapping of the Galactic Mini-starburst W43
    Motte, F., Schilke, P., Lis, D. C.
    2003 ApJ 582, 277 ADS
  13. A CS J=5→4 Mapping Survey Toward High-Mass Star-forming Cores Associated with Water Masers
    Shirley, Y.L., Evans, N.J., Young, K.E., Knez, C., Jaffe, D.T.
    2003 ApJS 149, 375 ADS
  14. Non-Gaussian velocity shears in the environment of low mass dense cores
    Pety, J.; Falgarone, E.
    2003 A&A 412, 417 ADS
  15. A Massive Disk/Envelope in Shocked H2 Emission around UCHII Region
    Kumar, M.S., Fernandes, A.J.L., Hunter, T.R., Davis, C.J., Kurtz, S.
    2003 A&A 412, 175 ADS
  16. Sulphur chemistry in the envelopes of massive young stars
    van der Tak, F. F. S.; Boonman, A. M. S.; Braakman, R.; van Dishoeck, E. F.
    2003 A&A 412, 133 ADS
  17. Dense Gas in Nearby Galaxies XV. Hot Ammonia in NGC 253, Maffei 2 and IC 342
    Mauersberger, R., Henkel, C., Weiß, A, Peck, A.B., Hagiwara, Y.
    2003 A&A 403, 561 ADS
  18. Abundant H2D+ in the pre-stellar core L1544
    Caselli, P., van der Tak, F., Ceccarelli, C., Bacmann, A.
    2003 A&A 403, 37 ADS
  19. The line-of-sight distribution of water in the SgrB2 complex
    Comito, C., Schilke, P., Gerin, M., Phillips, T.G., Zmuidzinas, J., Lis, D.C.
    2003 A&A 402, 635 ADS
  20. Production and kinematics of CO in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) at large post-perihelion distances
    Gunnarsson, M.; Bockelée-Morvan, D.; Winnberg, A.; Rickman, H.; Crovisier, J.; Biver, N.; Colom, P.; Davies, J. K.; Despois, D.; Henry, F.; Johansson, L. E. B.; Moreno, R.; Paubert, G.; Rantakyrö, F. T.
    2003 A&A 402, 383 ADS
  21. Submillimetre observations of the Hubble Deep Field and Flanking Fields
    Serjeant, S.; Dunlop, J. S.; Mann, R. G.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Hughes, D.; Efstathiou, A.; Blain, A.; Fox, M.; Ivison, R. J.; Jenness, T.; Lawrence, A.; Longair, M.; Oliver, S.; Peacock, J. A.
    2003 MNRAS 344, 877 ADS
  22. Observational study of starless cores in Taurus
    Toshikazu, O.
    2003 Astronomical Herald 96, 546 ADS
  23. Controlling a telescope chopping secondary mirror assembly using a signal deconvolution technique
    Houde, M., Holt, L. C., Yoshida, H., Nelson, P. M.
    2003 Rev. Sci. Instr. 74, 3802 ADS
  24. CMB Anisotropy Constraints on Flat-Λ and Open CDM Cosmogonies from DMR, UCSB South Pole, Python, Argo, Max, White Dish, OVRO, and SuZIE Data
    Mukherjee, P.; Ganga, K.; Ratra, B.; Rocha, G.; Souradeep, T.; Sugiyama, N.; Gorski, K.
    2003 Int. J. Mod. Phys. 18, 4933 ADS
  25. Cramér-Rao Sensitivity Limits for Astronomical Interferometry
    Zmuidzinas, J.
    2003 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 20, 218 ADS
  26. A Full-Height Waveguide to Thin-Film Microstrip Transition with Exceptional RF Bandwidth and Coupling Efficiency
    Kooi, J. W., Chattopadhyay, G., Withington, S., Rice, F., Zmuidzinas, J., Walker, C. K., Yassin, G.
    2003 IJIRMMW 24, 261 DOI

Conference proceedings

  1. Episodic Mass Loss on the Timescale of Thermal Pulses: Submillimeter Observations of Dust Shells
    Speck, A., Lis, D.C., Meixner, M., Knapp, G.
    in Astrophysics of Dust ed. A. N. Witt
    2003, abstract 67 ADS
  2. Condiciones físicas de la envoltura de baja velocidad de CRL618 derivadas de modos vibracionalmente excitados de HC3N
    Pardo, J. R.; Cernicharo, J.; Goicoechea, J. R.
    in Una visión general del potencial de los grupos de química españoles anters los nuevos desafíos de la Astrofísica
    2003 1er Congreso Nacional de Astrofísica Molecular, 59 ADS
  3. [CII] 158 Micron Line in Absorption towards the Galactic Centre: Connection with Bright IR Galaxies
    C. Vastel, E. Polehampton, J.P. Baluteau, B. Swinyard, E. Caux, D. Lis, P. Cox
    in Exploring ISO Data Archive. Infrared astronomy in the Internet Age, ed. C. Gry, S. Peschke, J. Matagne, P. Garcia-Lario, R. Lorente, & A. Salama
    2003 ESA SP-511, 225 ADS
  4. Mapping Magnetic Fields in the Cold Dust at the Galactic Center
    Chuss, D.T., Novak, G., Davidson, J. A, Dotson, J. L.; Dowell, C. D., Hildebrand, R.H., Vaillancourt, J. E.
    in Galactic Center Workshop 2002 - The central 300 parsecs of the Milky Way, ed. A. Cotera, S. Markoff, T. R. Geballe, H. Falcke
    2003 Astronomische Nachrichten Suppl. 324, 173 ADS
  5. [CII] 158 μm Absorption Line Towards the Galactic Center: Connection with Bright IR Galaxies
    Vastel, C., Polehampton, E., Baluteau, J.-P., Swinyard, B., Caux, E., Cox, P.
    in Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation, ed. C. L. Curry, M. Fich
    2003, p. 441 (NRC) ADS
  6. Rotational Spectroscopy and Hot Core Observational Astronomy of Prebiotic Molecules
    Widicus, S.L., Drouin, B.J., Dyl, K.A. & Blake, G.A.
    in Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation, ed. C. L. Curry, M. Fich
    2003, p. 449 (NRC) ADS
  7. HCN Abundance Contrast in Warm Dense Cores of G1.6-0.025
    Peng, R., Whiteoak, J., Houde, M., Yoshida, H.
    in Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation, ed. C. L. Curry, M. Fich
    2003, p. 381 (NRC) ADS
  8. Line Survey of Orion-KL in the 350 Micron Band
    Comito, C., Schilke, P., Phillips, T.G., Lis, D.C., Motte, F., Mehringer, D.M.
    in Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation, ed. C. L. Curry, M. Fich
    2003, p. 270 (NRC) ADS
  9. Water in the Envelope of Sgr B2
    Comito, C., Schilke, P., Gerin, M., Phillips, T.G. & Zmuidzinas, J.
    in Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation, ed. C. L. Curry, M. Fich
    2003, p. 267 (NRC) ADS
  10. Measurement of the Magnetic Field in Molecular Clouds
    Houde, Martin; Bastien, Pierre; Dotson, Jessie L.; Dowell, C. Darren; Hildebrand, Roger H.; Peng, Ruisheng; Phillips, Thomas G.; Vaillancourt, John E.; Yoshida, Hiroshige
    in Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation, ed. C. L. Curry, M. Fich
    2003, p. 91 (NRC) ADS
  11. L134N (L183) Revisited: Dust Content and Gas Depletion
    Pagani, L.; Pardo, J.-R.; Cambrésy, L.; Motte, F.; Apponi, A. J.; Stepnik, B.; Fich, M.
    in Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation, ed. C. L. Curry, M. Fich
    2003, p. 73 (NRC) ADS
  12. Interstellar Triply Deuterated Ammonia
    van der Tak, F., Lis, D.C., Gerin, M., Roueff, E., Schilke, P., T.G. Phillips
    in Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation, ed. C. L. Curry, M. Fich
    2003, p. 50 (NRC)ADS
  13. Future Millimeter/Submillimeter Instrumentation and Science Opportunities: The Example of Deuterated Molecules
    Phillips, T. G.; Vastel, C.
    in Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation, ed. C. L. Curry, M. Fich
    2003, p. 3 (NRC) ADS
  14. L183 (L134N), dust, gas and depletion
    Pagani, L.; Apponi, A. J.; Bacmann, A.; Cambrésy, L.; Fich, M.; Lagache, G.; Miville-Deschênes, M.-A.; Motte, F.; Pardo, J.-R.
    in SF2A-2003: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Française, ed. F. Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini, L. Pagani
    2003 EdP-Sciences Conference Series, p. 195 ADS
  15. A molecular filament threaded by helical magnetic fields?
    Hily-Blant, P.; Falgarone, E.; Pineau Des Forêts, G.; Phillips, T. G.
    in SF2A-2003: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Française, ed. F. Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini, L. Pagani
    2003 EdP-Sciences Conference Series, p. 171 ADS
  16. Investigating the Chemical Diversity of Comets from Radio Observations
    Colom, P., Biver, N., Bockelée-Morvan, D., Crovisier, J., Henry, F., Moreno, R., Paubert, G., Despois, D., Lis, D.C.
    in SF2A-2003: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Française, ed. F. Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini, L. Pagani
    2003 EdP-Sciences Conference Series, p. 139 ADS
  17. Radiospectroscopical Search for Molecule Delivery and Induced Chemistry in the Earth Atmosphere during the Leonids Meteor Shower
    Despois, D., Ricaurd, P., Schneider, N., Urban, J. Lautie, N., Selsis, N., Biver, N., Bockelée-Morvan, D., Crovisier, J., Lis, D., Moreno, Chamberlin, R, Phillips, T. et al.
    in SF2A-2003: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Française, ed. F. Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini, L. Pagani
    2003 EdP-Sciences Conference Series, p. 69 ADS ????
  18. High-Resolution Multiline Study of HMSF Region G268.42-0.85
    Lapinov, A,; Peng, R.
    in Star Formation at High Angular Resolution
    2003 IAUS 221, poster 30 ADS
  19. Chemical Diversity of Comets from Radio Observations
    Biver, Nicolas; Bockelee-Morvan, Dominique; Colom, Pierre; Crovisier, Jacques; Henry, Florence; Moreno, Raphael; Paubert, Gabriel; Despois, Didier; Lis, Dariusz C.
    in Formation of Cometary Material
    2003 IAU Joint Discussion 14, 45 ADS
  20. Design and performances of a cryogenic Fabry-Perot for submillimeter astronomy
    Pajot, Francois P.; Maffei, Bruno; Benford, Dominic J.; Fixsen, Dale J.; Lefranc, Sébastien; Moseley, S. H.; Rioux, Cyrille; Shafer, Rick A.; Shah, Gaurav J.; Staguhn, Johannes G.
    2003 Proc. SPIE 5172, 13 ADS
  21. Distributed Framework for Dynamic Telescope and Instrument Control
    Ames, T.J.; Case, L.
    2003 Proc SPIE 4857, 73 ADS
  22. A Submillimeter Atmospheric FTS at the Geographic South Pole
    Chamberlin, R.A., Martin, R., Martin, C.L., Stark, A.
    2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 609 ADS
  23. Design and Fabrication of Two-Dimensional Superconducting Bolometer Arrays
    Benford, D., Voellmer, G., Chervenak, J., Irwin, K., Moseley, S.H., Shafer, R., Staguhn, J., Stacey, G.
    2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 552 ADS
  24. SIS mixer design for a broadband millimeter spectrometer suitable for rapid line surveys and redshift determinations
    Rice, F., Sumner, M., Zmuidzinas, J., Hu, R., LeDuc, H., Harris, A., Miller, D.
    2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 301 ADS
  25. Heterodyne Instrumentation Upgrade at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
    Kooi, Jacob W.; Kovacs, Attila; Kaye, Steven M.; Dama, J.; Edgar, Michael L.; Zmuidzinas, Jonas; Phillips, Thomas G.
    2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 265 ADS
  26. Z-Spec: a broadband, direct-detection, millimeter-wave spectrometer
    Naylor, Bret J.; Ade, Peter A. R.; Bock, James J.; Bradford, Charles M.; Dragovan, Mark; Duband, Lionel; Earle, Lieko; Glenn, Jason; Matsuhara, Hideo; Nguyen, Hien; Yun, Minhee; Zmuidzinas, Jonas
    2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 239 ADS
  27. Superconducting Bolometer Array Architectures
    Benford, D., Chervenak, J., Irwin, K., Moseley, S.H., Shafer, R., Staguhn, J., Wollack, E.
    2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 148 ADS
  28. Astronomical demonstration of superconducting bolometer arrays
    Staguhn, J., Benford, D., Pajot, F., Ames, T, Chervenak, J., Grossman, E., Maffei, B., Moseley, H., Phillips, T.G., Reintsema, Carl D.; Rioux, Cyrille; Shafer, Richard A.; Voellmer, George M.
    2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 100 ADS
  29. ZEUS: A Submillimeter Grating Spectrometer for Exploring Distant Galaxies
    Nikola, Tomas; Hailey-Dunsheath, Steven; Stacey, Gordon J.; Benford, Dominic J.; Moseley, Samuel H., Jr.; Staguhn, Johannes G.
    2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 88 ADS
  30. SHARC II: a CSO facility camera with 384 pixels
    Dowell, C. D., Allen, C. A., Babu, R. S., Freund, M. M., Gardner, M., Groseth, J., Jhabvala, M. A., Kovacs, A., Lis, D. C., Moseley, S. H., Jr., Phillips, T. G., Silverberg, R. F., Voellmer, G. M., Yoshida, H.
    2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 73 ADS
  31. Design and fabrication of two-dimensional semiconducting bolometer arrays for HAWC and SHARC-II
    Voellmer, George M.; Allen, Christine A.; Amato, Michael J.; Babu, Sachidananda R.; Bartels, Arlin E.; Benford, Dominic J.; Derro, Rebecca J.; Dowell, C. D.; Harper, D. A.; Jhabvala, Murzy D.; Moseley, S. H.; Rennick, Timothy; Shirron, Peter J.; Smith, W. W.; Staguhn, Johannes G.
    2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 63 ADS
  32. Current status of Bolocam: A large-format millimeter-wave Bolometer camera
    Glenn, J., Ade, A.R., Amarie, A., Bock, J., Edgington, S., Goldin, A., Golwala, S., Haig, D., Lange, A., Laurent, G., Mauskopf, P., Yun, M., Nguyen, H.
    2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 30 ADS
  33. WaFIRS: a waveguide far-IR spectrometer: enabling spectroscopy of high-z galaxies in the far-IR and submillimeter
    Bradford, Charles M.; Naylor, Bret J.; Zmuidzinas, Jonas; Bock, James J.; Gromke, J.; Nguyen, Hien; Dragovan, Mark; Yun, Minhee; Earle, Lieko; Glenn, Jason; Matsuhara, Hideo; Ade, Peter A. R.; Duband, Lionel
    2003 Proc. SPIE 4850, 1137 ADS
  34. Heterodyne Instrumentation Development for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
    Kooi, Jacob W.; Kovacs, Attila; Phillips, T. G.; Zmuidzinas, J.
    2003 Proc. 14th Int. Symp. Space THz Tech., 215 ADS
  35. The Debris Disk around ε Eridani at 350 microns
    Wilner, D. J.; Dowell, C. D.; Holman, M. J.; Kuchner, M. J.
    2003 AAS 203, 130.03 ADS
  36. Deep Source Count Observations with SHARC II: Reduction Software and Latest Results Khan, S. A.; Arendt, R. G.; Benford, D. J.; Borys, C.; Dowell, C. D.; Kovacs, A.; Moseley, S. H.; Shafer, R. A.; Silverberg, R. F.; Staguhn, J. G.
    2003 AAS 203, 119.06 ADS
  37. AFGL 5376: Submillimeter Dust Emission from a Large Scale Shock Region Near the Galactic Center
    Staguhn, J. G.; Morris, M. R.; Uchida, K. I.; Benford, D. J.
    2003 AAS 203, 112.09 ADS
  38. Low Mass Star Formation in Perseus: Large Field Mapping at 1mm with Bolocam
    Enoch, M. L.; Sargent, A. I.; Golwala, S.; Glenn, J.; Evans, N. J., II; Young, K. E.
    2003 AAS 203, 98.06 ADS
  39. The Physical and Kinematic Structure of the DR 21 (OH) Star Formation Region
    Kaleida, C. C.; Mangum, J. G.
    2003 AAS 203, 94.02 ADS
  40. Submillimeter Imaging of the Monoceros R2 Star Forming Region
    Benford, D. J.; Hunter, T. R.; Staguhn, J. G.
    2003 AAS 203, 94.01 ADS
  41. Bolocam 1.1-millimeter Galaxy Survey
    Laurent, G. T.; Aguirre, J. E.; Bock, J.; Edgington, S.; Enoch, M.; Glenn, J.; Goldin, A.; Golwala, S.; Haig, D. J.; Maloney, P.; Mauskopf, P.; Nguyen, H.; Rossinot, P.; Sayers, J.; Stover, P.
    2003 AAS 203, 50.03 ADS
  42. Submillimeter Imaging of the Spiral Galaxy M51
    Benford, D. J.; Staguhn, J. G.
    2003 AAS 202, 40.14 ADS
  43. SHARC II Observations of the Galactic Center
    Staguhn, J. G.; Benford, D. J.; Dowell, C. D.
    2003 AAS 202, 26.01 ADS
  44. Dish Surface Optimization System: Surface Correction on a 10.4-meter Leighton Primary Mirror
    Leong, M., Houde, M., Peng, R., Yoshida, H., Chamberlin, R., Phillips, T. G.
    2003, in AMOS Conference Proceedings, ed. P. Kervin, and J. Africano, AFRL/MEDB, Kihei, HI pdf


  1. Exploring the submillimeter sky: molecular line studies at 350 microns
    Comito, C.
    2003 PhD Thesis, Universität Bonn ADS
  2. Models and observations of the millimeter and submillimeter molecular line emission of bright-rimmed clouds
    de Vries, C. H.
    2003 PhD Thesis, University of Massachusetts ADS
  3. Gas and dust chemistry in planet-forming disks
    Kessler, J. E.
    2003 PhD Thesis, California Institute of Technology ADS Caltech Library
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