
Scripts are used for MUSIC observations. These scripts interact with the MUSIC data acquisition system (DAQ) and control the scan pattern of the telescope. Standard scripts are located at kilauea:~bolocam/macros/. The standard file extension is .uip although some older scripts use .mac.

Standard scripts

The standard scripts report timing information: start and duration of the constituent observations.


Lissajous sweeps are used for observing small sources.

  • The standard lissajous pattern provides reasonably uniform coverage over a 4 arcmin radius centered at the target position.
  • Peak to peak sensitivity variations over this area are less than sqrt(2).

There are two standard lissajous scripts.

  1. Repeat lissajous observations until a specified time.
    uip> @ MUSIC_201411_lissajous N HH:MM [.true.|.false.]
    • N is the number of observations between IQ sweeps (no IQ sweep if N = 0). Typically, N = 4.
    • HH:MM is the stop time (UT).
    • The (optional) logical flag indicates whether or not to idle the telescope at the end; default .true. (idle). To resume tracking of the most recent target after idling:
      uip> track
  2. Repeat a fixed number of lissajous observations.
    uip> @ MUSIC_201411_lissajous_obs [N] [.true.|.false.]
    • N is the number of observations; default 1.
    • The (optional) logical flag indicates whether or not to do an initial IQ sweep; default .true..
    • The initial IQ sweep takes about 7 min and each repetition takes about 11 min.
    • This script does *not* idle the telescope at the end.


Raster maps are used for beam characterization or for larger fields.

There is a standard beam map script.
uip> @ MUSIC_201501_beammap [.true.|.false.]

  • The (optional) logical flag indicates whether or not to do an initial IQ sweep, default .true..
  • The initial IQ sweep takes about 7 min and the beam map takes about 30 min.
  • This script does *not* idle the telescope at the end.

There is a standard equatorial map script.
uip> @ MUSIC_201501_raster [30|60|80] [N] [.true.|.false.]

  • 18, 30, 60, or 80 arcmin is the (square) map size. Because of magic numbers in the raster pattern, these are the only sizes supported.
  • N is the number of observations; default 2.
  • The (optional) logical flag indicates whether or not to do an initial IQ sweep, default .true..
  • The initial IQ sweep takes about 7 min and each repetition takes about 30 min.
  • To provide cross linking, rasters alternate direction: first scanning in RA, then in declination.
  • This script does *not* idle the telescope at the end.


  • To interrupt a script, enter ctrl-c.
  • If a script is interrupted, or encounters an error, the command interpreter may end up at a deep nesting level, indicated by the number (N) in the UIP command prompt. Before continuing, enter quit until the prompt indicates a return to the base level.
    uip_N> quit
  • After stopping a script, clear the observing flags, etc.
    uip> @ MUSIC_201410_cleanup [.true.|.false.]
    • The (optional) logical flag indicates whether or not to idle the telescope at the end; default .true. (idle).


  • For the logical flags, yes and no are synonyms for .true. and .false..

Custom scripts

If the standard scripts are unsuitable, a custom script may be necessary. It is recommended to modify one of the standard scripts rather than starting ab initio. Moreover, it is advisable to consult a member of the MUSIC team or the CSO staff. Highlights of the constiutent sections are discussed here; please consult the uip reference for details.

  • Parse parameters and set default values.
  • Resume source tracking (in case the telescope is idle, etc.).
  • Signal the start of an observation.
flsignal 0 /bit 7      ! clear observation flag
stare 2                ! sec
flsignal 1 /bit 7      ! set observation flag
  • Perform an IQ sweep of the resonators, if necessary.
    • As of 2014 August, an IQ sweep is recommended once per hour while tracking a source and also whenever the telescope is moved to a new source. Note IQ sweeps only need to be performed prior to observations so there is no need to perform a sweep at the end of an observation. For example, if you observe a single source from 20:00 to 23:00, then IQ sweeps should be performed at approximately 20:00, 21:00, and 22:00. When estimating the run time of a script, please note that the IQ sweep takes about 7 min to complete.
azo 1000               ! move off source
flsignal 1 /bit 6      ! signal DAQ to start IQ sweep
flwait   1 /bit 8      ! wait for DAQ to finish
flsignal 0 /bit 6      ! clear iq sweep flag
flwait   0 /bit 8      ! wait for acknowledgement
azo 0                  ! move back to source
  • Offset because the focal plane tiles are not centered on the optical axis. As of 2014 August, this offset is ZAO = -215 and AZO = 0. These are magic numbers.
zao -215               ! arcsec
  • Move the telescope with the desired scan pattern. The two types of scans supported by MUSIC are raster scans and lissajous scans.
    • For raster scans, the recommended scan speed is 240 arcsec/secs and the rasters should extend beyond the desired map region by 360 arc sec on each side to obtain uniform coverage. For example, if the desired field is 20 x 20 arcmin, then the rasters should cover 32 x 32 arcmin. The step size between rasters should be no larger than 300 arc sec. The scans can be performed in either equatorial (RA/Dec) or horizontal (az/el) coordinates. In either case, we recommend alternating the scan direction between observations so, for example, first observation would contain scans in the RA direction and the second observation would contain scans in the declination direction. Note the turnaround time between rasters is approximately 10 sec. Two raster examples are:
      • A horizontal (azimuth) raster with tightly spaced scans for beam characterization that takes about 18 min:
raster_scan 240 1200 72 /step_size 7.5 /altaz /alternate_direction /norot /settling_time 3
      • An equatorial (declination) raster to cover a field with uniform coverage over a 60 x 60 arcmin region in about 30 minutes:
raster_scan 240 4320 60 /step_size 73 /equatorial /position_angle 0 /alternate_direction /norot /settling_time 3 
    • For lissajous observations, additional flags must be set. Also the focus should be updated before each observation. The standard lissajous pattern is a 10 min observation with a 180 arcsec sweep amplitude. As with raster scans, the sweep periods would be interchanged on alternate observations.
sweep /stop            ! stop sweeping
stare 10               ! sec
flsignal 1 /bit 2      ! set lissajous flag
stare 5                ! sec
sweep 180 6.28 /y 180 8.89 /equatorial
sic wait 5             ! wait for sweep to get going
focus                  ! update telescope focus
flsignal 1 /bit 0      ! set executing flag
sic wait 600           ! sec   observation
flsignal 0 /bit 0      ! clear executing flag
sic wait 5             ! sec
flsignal 0 /bit 2      ! clear lissajous flag
sweep /stop            ! stop the sweep
  • Signal the end of the observation. It's advisable to also add a pause to allow the DAQ to finish prior to starting the next observation.
flsignal 0 /bit 7      ! signal end of observation
sic wait 30            ! sec   wait for DAQ
cso/instruments/music/macros.txt · Last modified: 2015-01-16 01:15 by sradford
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