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Heterodyne Systems

Instructions for Heterodyne Observations.

Heterodyne systems at the CSO permit high resolution spectroscopy in the atmospheric windows from 177 to 920 GHz.


Receiver Range IF BW Trx Tuning Remarks Status
[GHz] [GHz] DSB [K]
Sidecab 230 177-210 4-8 40 auto. Low freq. subband requires
add'l LO filter. Consult staff.
345 315-380 1-2 90 manual
460 382-532 4-8 40 auto.
650 620-730 1-2 230 manual
Cassegrain Barney 300-410 4-8 50 manual limited availability
850 810-900 1-2 350-450 manual or Nasymth limited availability
Zrex 200-290 4-12 160-50 manual aka Frank's receiver decommissioned
Measured Performance
Receiver Line Freq. SB Y Tsys τ225 ZA Date
[GHz] SSB [K] [deg]
Sidecab 230 12CO(2-1) 230.5 Up 220 0.126 15°  2013-03-05
345 12CO(3-2) 345.8 Up 1.9 815 0.111 33° 2013-04-04
461 12CO(4-3) 461.0 Lo 1240 0.059 17° 2013-03-06
Cassegrain Barney


  • All receivers are single polarization and double side band.
  • Measured Tsys at indicated zenith angle (ZA).



ID Nchan spacing BW Remarks
[kHz] [GHz]
FFTS1 8192 61 0.5 tunable across 4-8 GHz IF
122 1
FFTS2 4 x 8192 268.6 4 x 2
AOS5 4 x 2048 650 4 x 1 four overlapping sections, 4 GHz usable BW
cso/instruments/heterodyne/heterodyne.txt · Last modified: 2014-05-07 22:54 by sradford
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