RAC, 16-May-2001 1. Log into alpha1. SET DEF [FTS.ALPHA] RUN FTSRUN FTSRUN> wlf ( you should see a clean white light fringe) 2. On alpha1, open a new window UIP UIP> POINT FTS_HOLO (load the FTS pointing file) UIP> PLANET MARS 3. Back in FTSRUN FTSRUN> HCM ( holography, complete map) accept all the parameter defaults for stage travel, speed, filter, etc. do a 15x15 map name the data file yymmddxx.dat where yy is the year, mm the month dd the day and xx =01 for the first map, 02 for the second, etc. eg. 01051701.DAT 4. When map is done, start a new one with a new file name. 5. Reduce the map you just made. a. log onto Poliahu b. SET DEF [FTS.ALPHA] c. RUN [SERABYN.FTS]FTSANA FTSANA> M enter the file name you just made, eg 01051701.DAT FTSANA does some processing and then asks if you want the processing to be automatic. Yes you do. d. After FTSANA is done a processed file is written to [SERABYN.HOLO] with a .SKY extension e. To see the map in a new window on Poliahu: SET DEF [SERABYN.HOLO] RUN MAP MAP> INP (input file name) 01051701.SKY select a frequency range. The peak response of the instrument is around 450GHz if you are using the 560LP filter on the bolometer and the 20" cone in bolometer. However, if the sky is bad, try around 350GHz and you might get better s/n. MAP> CEN (fit out pointing offset) MAP> INP (reload input file) MAP> SHI (based on result from CEN) MAP> FIT (fit out 2nd parameters) MAP> PLO (plot out the phase and power on the sky) MAP> FOUR (fourier transform to the aperture plane) MAP> FIT (fit out gradients due to pointing; and subreflector x, y, focus) MAP> PLO (plot out the phase and power in the aperture plane)