Table of Contents


Source and line catalogs are plain text files. The default file extensions are .cat for source catalogs and .line_cat for line catalogs. The UIP CATALOG command looks for catalogs first in the current directory, then the user's private catalog directory (~/.uip/cat), and finally in the system's default catalog directory (/opt/uip/cat).

Source Catalogs

The source catalog format is a subset of the GILDAS ASTRO format. Each source is entered on a single line,


As an example, a few entries from the system default source catalog:

O_CET   EQ 1950.00 02:16:49.040,-0.00080 -03:12:13.39,-0.2330 LSR  46.80
W3OHUH  EQ 1950.00 02:23:16.700           61:38:54.01         LSR -47.40
NGC1333 EQ 2000.00 03:29:03.700           31:16:02.70         LSR   0.00
ORIUH   EQ 1950.00 05:32:47.000          -05:24:21.00         LSR   9.00
W51UH   EQ 1950.00 19:21:27.001           14:24:30.00         LSR  57.10

Designated Off positions may be named freely, as the /DESIGNATED_OFF option of the OFF_POSITION, OO_SCAN, OTF_MAP, TCAL, and TEXAS commands takes a source name as an optional argument. By default, these commands look for a source named SOURCE_NAME:off_position in the open catalogs, where SOURCE_NAME is the name of the current ON source. Suffixes other than :off_position do not have any special meaning. For example:

a_star              eq 2000 23:59:59 09:59:59 lsr  99
a_star:off_position eq 2000 23:58:58 09:58:58 lsr  99

Any text following ! is ignored, allowing for comments.

Line Catalogs

Each spectral line is entered on a single line:


As an example, a few entries from the system default line catalog:

12CO2-1 230.5379700 GHz LSB
12CO3-2 345.7959900 GHz USB
12CO4-3 461.0408110 GHz LSB
12CO6-5 691.4729800 GHz USB
12CO7-6 806.6517200 GHz LSB

Any text following ! is ignored, allowing for comments.

System Catalogs

These catalogs are automatically loaded by the UIP.

/opt/uip/cat/ Popular sources
/opt/uip/cat/ Stars suitable for CO pointing measurements
/opt/uip/cat/ Calibrators for Sharc observations
/opt/uip/cat/default_catalog.line_cat Popular spectral lines
/opt/uip/cat/ Bright stars for optical pointing
/opt/uip/cat/ Synonym for