2005 Publications

Journal papers

  1. A Fluctuation Analysis of the Bolocam 1.1 mm Lockman Hole Survey
    Maloney, Philip R.; Glenn, Jason; Aguirre, James E.; Golwala, Sunil R.; Laurent, G. T.; Ade, P. A. R.; Bock, J. J.; Edgington, S. F.; Goldin, A.; Haig, D.; Lange, A. E.; Mauskopf, P. D.; Nguyen, H.; Rossinot, P.; Sayers, J.; Stover, P.
    2005 ApJ 635, 1044 ADS
  2. Caught in the Act: The Onset of Massive Star Formation
    Beuther, H.; Sridharan, T. K.; Saito, M.
    2005 ApJL 634, L185 ADS
  3. First Detection of 13CH+(J = 1-0)
    Falgarone, E.; Phillips, T. G.; Pearson, John C.
    2005 ApJL 634, L149 ADS
  4. Dissociative Shocks in the Neighborhood of Orion IRc2 Traced with Atomic Carbon
    Pardo, J.R.; Cernicharo, J.; Phillips, T. G.
    2005 ApJL 634, L61 ADS
  5. A Spitzer Study of Dusty Disks Around Nearby, Young Stars
    Chen, C. H., Patten, B. M., Werner, M. W., Dowell, C. D., Stapelfeldt, K. R., Stauffer, R., Krause, V., Blaylock, M., & Gordon, K. D.
    2005 ApJ 634, 1327 ADS
  6. Erratum: 1,3-Dihydroxyacetone in Sagittarius B2(N-LMH): The First 3C Interstellar Ketose
    Widicus-Weaver, S.L., Blake, G.A.
    2005 ApJL 632, L163 ADS
    (Original: 624, L33 ADS)
  7. Modeling the Physical Structure of the Low-Density Pre-Protostellar Core Lynds 1498
    Shirley, Y. L.; Nordhaus, M. K.; Grcevich, J. M.; Evans, N. J., II; Rawlings, J. M. C.; Tatematsu, K.
    2005 ApJ 632, 982 ADS
  8. On the discovery of the first galaxy selected at 350 microns
    Khan, Sophia A.; Shafer, Richard A.; Benford, Dominic J.; Staguhn, Johannes G.; Chanial, Pierre; Le Floc'h, Emeric; Babbedge, Thomas S. R.; Farrah, Duncan; Moseley, S. Harvey; Dwek, Eli; Clements, David L.; Sumner, Timothy J.; Ashby, Matthew L. N.; Brand, Kate; Brodwin, Mark; Eisenhardt, Peter R.; Elston, Richard; Gonzalez, Anthony H.; McKenzie, Eric; Murray, Stephen S.
    2005 ApJL 631, L9 ADS
  9. Circumstellar Dust Disks in Taurus-Auriga: The Submillimeter Perspective
    Andrews, S. M., Williams, J. P.
    2005 ApJ 631, 1134 ADS
  10. CO in H I Self-absorbed Clouds in Perseus
    Klaassen, P. D.; Plume, R.; Gibson, S. J.; Taylor, A. R.; Brunt, C. M.
    2005 ApJ 631, 1001 ADS
  11. A Detailed Study of Molecular Clouds toward the TeV Gamma-Ray Supernova Remnant G347.3−0.5
    Y. Moriguchi; K. Tamura; Y. Tawara; H. Sasago; K. Yamaoka, T. Onishi; Y. Fukui
    2005 ApJ 631, 947 ADS
  12. Massive Protostars in the Infrared Dark Cloud MSXDCG034.43+00.24
    Rathborne, J. M.; Jackson, J. M.; Chambers, E. T.; Simon, R.; Shipman, R.; Frieswijk, W.
    2005 ApJ 630, L181 ADS
  13. Observational Evidence of the Formation of Cyanopoloyynes in CRL618 Through the Polymerization of HCN
    Pardo, J.R., Cernicharo, J., Goicoechea, J.R.
    2005 ApJ 628, 275 ADS
  14. B335: A Laboratory for Astrochemistry in a Collapsing Cloud
    Evans, N., Lee, J.E., Rawlings, J.M.C., Choi, M.
    2005 ApJ 626, 919 ADS
  15. Search for CO Outflows toward a Sample of 69 High-Mass Protostellar Candidates. II. Outflow Properties
    Zhang, Qizhou; Hunter, T. R.; Brand, J.; Sridharan, T. K.; Cesaroni, R.; Molinari, S.; Wang, J.; Kramer, M.
    2005 ApJ 625, 864 ADS
  16. Large-Scale CO and [C I] Emission in the ρ Ophiuchi Molecular Cloud
    Kulesa, Craig A.; Hungerford, Aimee L.; Walker, Christopher K.; Zhang, Xiaolei; Lane, Adair P.
    2005 ApJ 625, 194 ADS
  17. 1,3-Dihydroxyacetone in Sagittarius B2(N-LMH): The First 3C Interstellar Ketose
    Widicus-Weaver, S.L., Blake, G.A.
    2005 ApJL 624, L33 ADS
    (Erratum: 2005 ApJL 632, L163 ADS)
  18. The Nature of Nearby Counterparts to Intermediate-Redshift Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies II. CO Observations
    Garland, C. A.; Williams, J. P.; Pisano, D. J.; Guzmán, R.; Castander, F. J.; Brinkmann , J.
    2005 ApJ 624, 714 ADS
  19. The Bolocam Lockman Hole Millimeter-Wave Galaxy Survey: Galaxy Candidates and Number Counts
    Laurent, G.T., Aguirre, J.E., Glenn, J., Ade, R., Bock, J., Edgington, S., Goldin, S., Golwala, A., Haig, S., Lange, A., Maloney, P., Mauskoopf, P., Nguyen, H.; Rossinot, P.; Sayers, J.; Stover, P.
    2005 ApJ 623, 742 ADS
  20. Ices in the Edge-on Disk CRBR 2422.8-3423: Spitzer Spectroscopy and Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Modeling
    Pontoppidan, K. M.; Dullemond, C. P.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; Blake, G. A.; Boogert, A.; Evans, N. J., II; Kessler-Silacci, J.; Lahuis, F.
    2005 ApJ 622, 463 ADS
  21. Image of Fomalhaut Dust Ring at 350 Microns: The Relative Column Density Map Shows Pericenter-Apocenter Asymmetry
    Marsh, K. A.; Velusamy, T.; Dowell, C. D.; Grogan, K.; Beichman, C. A.
    2005 ApJL 620, L47 ADS
  22. Radial Distribution of Dust Grains around HR 4796A
    Wahhaj, Z., Koerner, D.W., Backman, D.E., Werner, M.W., Serabyn, E., Ressler, M.E., Lis, D.C.
    2005 ApJ 618, 385 ADS
  23. A Molecular Line Survey of Orion-KL in the 350 Micron Band
    Comito, C., Schilke, P., Phillips, T.G., Lis, D.C., Motte, F., Mehringer, D.M.
    2005 ApJS 156, 127 ADS
    VizieR On-line Data Catalog ADS
  24. Evolution of Cold Circumstellar Dust around Solar-type Stars
    Carpenter, J, M.; Wolf, S.; Schreyer, K.; Launhardt, R.; Henning, T.
    2005 AJ 129, 1049 ADS
  25. Improved Data Reduction for FIR/Submillimeter Polarimetry
    Kirby, L., Davidson, J., Dotson, J. L., Dowell, C. D., Hildebrand, R. H.
    2005 PASP 117, 991 ADS
  26. Dynamical and chemical properties of the “starless” core L1014
    Crapsi, A.; Devries, C. H.; Huard, T. L.; Lee, J.-E.; Myers, P. C.; Ridge, N. A.; Bourke, T. L.; Evans, N. J., II; Jørgensen, J. K.; Kauffmann, J.; Lee, C. W.; Shirley, Y. L.; Young, C. H.
    2005 A&A 439, 1023 ADS
  27. Interstellar deuterated ammonia: from NH3 to ND3
    Roueff, E.; Lis, D. C.; van der Tak, F. F. S.; Gerin, M.; Goldsmith, P. F.
    2005 A&A 438, 585 ADS
  28. Density structure of the Horsehead nebula photo-dissociation region
    Habart, E., Abergel, A., Walmsley, C.M., Teyssier, D., Pety, J.
    2005 A&A 437, 177 ADS
  29. Are PAHs precursors of small hydrocarbons in Photo-Dissociation Regions? The Horsehead case
    Pety, J., Teyssier, D., Fosse, D., Gerin, M., Roueff, E., Abergel, A., Habart, E., Cernicharo, J.
    2005 A&A 435, 885 ADS
  30. Resolving IRAS 09111-1007 at 350 µm - a different path to ULIRG formation?
    Khan, S., Benford, D., Clements, D.S., Moseley, S.H., Shafer, R.A., Sumner, T.J.
    2005 MNRAS 359, L10 ADS
  31. An upper limit to [C II] emission in a z ~= 5 galaxy
    Marsden, G., Borys, C., Chapman, S., Halpern, M., Scott, D.
    2005 MNRAS 359, 43 ADS
  32. Broadband Submillimeter Measurements of the Full Moon Center Brightness Temperature and Application to a Lunar Eclipes
    Pardo, J.R., Serabyn, E., Wiedner, M.C.
    2005 Icarus 178, 19 ADS
  33. Measured telluric continuum-like opacity beyond 1 THz
    Pardo, J. R., Serabyn, E., Wiedner, M. C., Cernicharo, J.
    2005 J. Quant. Spectr. Radiat. Transfer 96, 537 ADS

Conference proceedings

  1. 350μm Observations of Local IRAS Galaxies Using SHARC-II
    Borys, C.
    in Multiwavelength mapping of galaxy formation and evolution, ed. A. Renzini, R. Bender
    2005 ESO Astrophysics Symposia, p. 359 ADS
  2. Survey for Dense Molecular Condensations in the Nearby Star Forming Regions
    Hayashi, A.; Onishi, T.; Kawamura, A.; Tachihara, K.; Mizuno, A.; Fukui, Y.
    in Protostars and Planets V
    2005, LPI Contrib. 1286, 8569 ADS
  3. Millimeter Line Surveys of Class-0 Protostars and Targeted Searches for Complex Organics in High-Mass Star-forming Regions
    Sumner, M. C.; Blake, G. A.; Harris, A. I.; Leong, M.; Phillips, T. G.; Rice, F.; Widicus Weaver, S. L.; Yoshida, H.; Zmuidzinas, J.
    in Protostars and Planets V
    2005, LPI Contrib. 1286, 8550 ADS
  4. 350 micron Images of the Famous Four Debris Disks
    Velusamy, T.; Dowell, C. D.; Marsh, K. A.
    in Protostars and Planets V
    2005, LPI Contrib. 1286, 8449 ADS
  5. Rapid Star Formation in an Isolated Massive Dense Core in the Cygnus X Region
    Shinnaga, H.; Phillips, T. G.; Furuya, R. S.; Yoshida, H.; Cesaroni, R.
    in Protostars and Planets V
    2005, LPI Contrib. 1286, 81400 ADS
  6. Magnetic Fields in the Galactic Center
    Novak, G.
    in Magnetic Fields in the Universe: From Laboratory and Stars to Primordial Structures, ed. de Gouveia dal Pino, Elisabete M.; Lugones, Germán; Lazarian, Alexander
    2005 AIPCP 784, 329 ADS
  7. Summary: Astronomical Polarimetry 2004
    Hildebrand, R.
    in Astronomical Polarimetry: Current Status and Future Directions, ed. A. Adamson, C. Aspin, C. J. Davis, T. Fujiyoshi
    2005 ASPCS 343, 515 ADS
  8. Submillimeter Polarimetry and the Galactic Center Magnetic Field
    Chuss, D.T., Davidson, J.A., Dotson, J.L., Dowell, C.D., Hildebrand, R.H., Novak, G., Vaillancourt
    in Astronomical Polarimetry: Current Status and Future Directions, ed. A. Adamson, C. Aspin, C. J. Davis, T. Fujiyoshi
    2005 ASPCS 343, 311 ADS
  9. Tracing the Magnetic Field in Molecular Clouds
    Houde, Martin; Peng, R.; Yoshida, H.; Hildebrand, R. H.; Dowell, C. D.; Phillips, T. G.; Dotson, J. L.; Bastien, P.; Vaillancourt, J. E.
    in Astronomical Polarimetry: Current Status and Future Directions, ed. A. Adamson, C. Aspin, C. J. Davis, T. Fujiyoshi
    2005 ASPCS 343, 154 ADS
  10. The Search for Complex Molecules in Comets
    Crovisier, J., Biver, N., Bockelée-Morvan, D., Colom, P., Despois, D., Lis, D.C.
    in The dusty and molecular universe: a prelude to Herschel and ALMA, ed. A. Wilson
    2005 ESA SP-577, 467 ADS
  11. CO Line Emission From Circumstellar Envelopes: Towards Higher-J Transitions
    Teyssier, D., Bujarrabal, V., Yoshida, H., Phillips, T.G.
    in The dusty and molecular universe: a prelude to Herschel and ALMA, ed. A. Wilson
    2005 ESA SP-577, 459 ADS
  12. The millimeter and submillimeter spectrum of CRL618
    Pardo, J. R.; Cernicharo, J. R.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Guélin, M.; Phillips, T. G.
    in The dusty and molecular universe: a prelude to Herschel and ALMA, ed. A. Wilson
    2005 ESA SP-577, 455 ADS
  13. Detection of D2H+ in the dense interstellar medium
    Vastel, C.; Phillips, T. G.; Yoshida, H.
    in The dusty and molecular universe: a prelude to Herschel and ALMA, ed. A. Wilson
    2005 ESA SP-577, 433 ADS
  14. The H2D+ Line Profile in L1544
    van der Tak, F., Caselli, P., Ceccarelli, C.
    in The dusty and molecular universe: a prelude to Herschel and ALMA, ed. A. Wilson
    2005 ESA SP-577, 429 ADS
  15. Variation of the C3H2 cyclic/linear abundance ration across the Horsehead nebula Photo-Dominated Region
    Teyssier, D., Hily-Blant, P., Gerin, M., Cernicharo, J., Roueff, E., Petty, J.
    in The dusty and molecular universe: a prelude to Herschel and ALMA, ed. A. Wilson
    2005 ESA SP-577, 423 ADS
  16. L183 (=L134N) revisited
    Pagani, L.; Apponi, A. J.; Bacmann, A.; Cabrit, S.; Cambrésy, L.; Lagache, G.; Motte, F.; Pardo, J.
    in The dusty and molecular universe: a prelude to Herschel and ALMA, ed. A. Wilson
    2005 ESA SP-577, 403 ADS
  17. Deep Submillimeter Continuum Imaging of McNeil's Nebula
    Lis, D.C., Menten, K., Stanke, T.
    in The dusty and molecular universe: a prelude to Herschel and ALMA, ed. A. Wilson
    2005 ESA SP-577, 383 ADS
  18. First Detection of Ground State Rotational Lines of ND2H
    Lis, D.C., Gerin, M., Roueff, E.
    in The dusty and molecular universe: a prelude to Herschel and ALMA, ed. A. Wilson
    2005 ESA SP-577, 381 ADS
  19. The C and CO lines in nearby galaxies: the cooling of the interstellar medium
    Bayet, E.; Gerin, M.; Contursi, A.; Phillips, T. G.
    in The dusty and molecular universe: a prelude to Herschel and ALMA, ed. A. Wilson
    2005 ESA SP-577, 343 ADS
  20. Discovery of hyperluminous infrared galaxies using Spitzer and SHARC-II
    Borys, C.; Barnard, V.; Bian, C.; Blain, A. W.; Brown, M. J. I.; Dey, A.; Dowell, C. D.; Frayer, D. T.; Higdon, J.; Higdon, S.; Jannuzi, B.; Le Floch, E.; Soifer, B. T.; Phillips, T. G.
    in The dusty and molecular universe: a prelude to Herschel and ALMA, ed. A. Wilson
    2005 ESA SP-577, 275 ADS
  21. The C and CO cooling rates in nearby galaxies: A new tracers of star formation activity
    Bayet, E.; Gerin, M.; Contursi, A.; Phillips, T. G.
    in SF2A-2005: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Française, ed. F. Combes, T. Contini, J.M. Hameury, L. Pagani
    2005 EdP-Sciences Conference Series, p. 383 ADS
  22. Comet chemistry from recent radio observations
    Colom, P.; Biver, N.; Bockelée-Morvan, D.; Boissier, J.; Crovisier, J.; Gunnarsson, M.; Lecacheux, A.; Tseng, W. L.; Lis, D. C.
    in SF2A-2005: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Française, ed. F. Combes, T. Contini, J.M. Hameury, L. Pagani
    2005 EdP-Sciences Conference Series, p. 151 ADS
  23. FTS Opacity Measurements of the South Pole Submillimeter Sky
    Chamberlin, Richard A.
    2005 Highlights of Astronomy 13, 973 ADS
  24. H2D+ as a probe of the dense regions of the L183 (=L134N) complex
    Vastel, C.; Pagani, L.; Bacmann, A.; Caselli, P.; Ceccarelli, C.; Peng, R.
    in Astrochemistry: Recent Successes and Current Challenges, ed. D. C. Lis, G. A. Blake, E. Herbst
    2005 IAUS 231, poster 287 ADS
  25. Interstellar H2D+ and D2H+: tracers of the chemical and physical conditions in the cold ISM
    Vastel, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Caselli, P.; Philips, T. G.
    in Astrochemistry: Recent Successes and Current Challenges
    2005 IAUS 231, poster 258 ADS
  26. A Molecular Line Survey of Orion-KL from 260 to 328 GHz
    Yoshida, H.; Phillips, T. G.
    in Astrochemistry: Recent Successes and Current Challenges
    2005 IAUS 231, poster 245 ADS
  27. CO and C cooling in galaxy nuclei, new tracers of the star forming activity?
    Bayet, E.; Gerin, M.; Phillips, T. G.; Contursi, A.
    in Astrochemistry: Recent Successes and Current Challenges, ed. D. C. Lis, G. A. Blake, E. Herbst
    2005 IAUS 231, poster 213 ADS
  28. 13CH+ (J=1-0)
    Falgarone, E.; Phillips, T. G.; Pearson, J.
    in Astrochemistry: Recent Successes and Current Challenges, ed. D. C. Lis, G. A. Blake, E. Herbst
    2005 IAUS 231, poster 167 ADS
  29. Molecular Line Survey of CRL618 and Complete Modeling
    Pardo, J. R.; Cernicharo, J.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Phillips, T. G.
    in Astrochemistry: Recent Successes and Current Challenges, ed. D. C. Lis, G. A. Blake, E. Herbst
    2005 IAUS 231, poster 40 ADS
  30. Astrochemistry: Recent Successes and Current Challenges
    ed. D. C. Lis, G. A. Blake, E. Herbst
    2005 IAUS 231 ADS
  31. The Earliest Phases of Massive Star Formation within Entire Molecular Cloud Complexes
    Motte, F.; Bontemps, S.; Schilke, P.; Lis, D.C.; Schneider, N.; Menten, K.M.
    in Massive Star Birth: A Crossroads of Astrophysics, ed. R. Cesaroni, M. Felli, E. Churchwell, M. Walmsley
    2005 IAUS 227, 151 ADS
  32. The Nature of 350 μm-selected Galaxies
    Khan, S. A.; Ashby, M. L. N.; Benford, D. J.; Clements, D. L.; Dwek, E.; Moseley, S. H.; Shafer, R. A.; Sumner, T. J.; Willner, S. P
    2005 AAS 207, 202.06 ADS
  33. Results from the Nobeyama/CSO/ASTE Galactic plane CO survey
    Koda, J.; Sawada, T.
    2005 AAS 207, 81.24 ADS
  34. The Spitzer c2d survey of nearby dense cores: Submillimeter follow-up observations with SHARCII
    Wu, J.; Dunham, M.; Evans, N.
    2005 AAS 207, 63.08 ADS
  35. Bolocam 1.1 mm Survey of the COSMOS Field
    Schlaerth, J. A.; Aguirre, J. E.; Blain, A. W.; Bock, J. J.; Glenn, J.; Golwala, S. R.; Greve, T. R.; Laurent, G. T.; Maloney, P. R.; Rossinot, P.
    2005 AAS 207, 62.03 ADS
  36. The evolution of protostellar disk mass and dust grain opacity in Taurus
    Williams, J.; Andrews, S.
    2005 AAS 207, 39.01 ADS
  37. The Herschel-Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared (HIFI)
    de Graauw, Th.; Caux, E.; Guesten, R.; Helmich, F.; Pearson, J.; Phillips, T. G.; Schieder, R.; Tielens, X.; Saraceno, P.; Stutzki, J.; Wafelbakker, C. K.; Whyborn, N.D.
    2005 AAS 207, 35.03 ADS
  38. A Submillimeter Search for Disks around Taurus Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs
    Patience, J.
    2005 AAS 207, 09.07 ADS
  39. Results of SPARO 2003: Mapping Magnetic Fields in Giant Molecular Clouds
    Novak, G.; Griffin, G. S.; Krejny, M.; Li, H.; Loewenstein, R. F.; Newcomb, M. G.; Calisse, P. G.; Chuss, D. T.
    2005 AAS 206, 54.01 ADS
  40. The Herschel mission
    Phillips, T.G.
    2005 AAS 206, 31.13 ADS
  41. The 1.1 mm Bolocam Lockman Hole Galaxy Survey: Submillimeter Confirmations and Fluctuation Analysis
    Glenn, J.; Aguirre, J. E.; Laurent, G. T.; Maloney, P. R.; Stover, P.; Edgington, S. F.; Golwala, S. R.; Lange, A. E.; Rossinot, P.; Sayers, J.; Bock, J. J.; Goldin, A.; Nguyen, H.; Ade, P. A. R.; Haig, D.; Mauskopf, P. D.
    2005 AAS 206, 16.02 ADS
  42. Submillimeter Imaging of Fossil Dust Shells around Post-AGB Stars
    Wilson, K., Speck, A., Lis, D.C., Meixner, M.
    2005 AAS 206, 08.04 ADS
  43. A CSO Submillimeter Active Optics System
    Leong, M.
    2005 USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, p. 426 USNC/URSI


  1. Rotational spectroscopy and observational astronomy of prebiotic molecules
    Widicus Weaver, S. L.
    2005 PhD Thesis, California Institute of Technology ADS Caltech Library
  2. Probing the physical conditions of star formation
    Young, Kaisa
    2005 PhD Thesis, University of Texas UT Library