The CSO dome and other buildings have been deconstructed and removed from Maunakea. Removal of foundations and underground structures is complete. Active site restoration is complete. These are some notable steps in the process.
2024-04-29—2024-07-01: Facility deconstruction and removal from the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (Faster version; video courtesy National Astronomical Observatory of Japan).
2024-04-29—2024-07-01: Facility deconstruction and removal from the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (Slower version; video courtesy National Astronomical Observatory of Japan).
CSO Dome Removal Timelapse at youtube. (Video courtesy National Astronomical Observatory of Japan).
Click through for full resolution images.
2024-07-01: Equipment demobilization and active site restoration complete (Image courtesy National Astronomical Observatory of Japan).
2024-04-26 & 2024-06-28: Start and finish of facility deconstruction and removal of the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory from Maunakea. The CSO is in the foreground; the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope and the Submillimeter Array are in the background.
2024-05-30: Removal of buildings complete (Image courtesy National Astronomical Observatory of Japan).
2024-04-29: Deconstruction of dome shutter (Images courtesy National Astronomical Observatory of Japan).
2024-02-28: Removal of electrical transformer.
2023-12-07: CSO buildings awaiting deconstruction after removal of telescope.
c. 2001: Leighton telescope at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory before disassembly.
c. 1990. Leighton telescope at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory.