====== Telescope Status ====== The telescope status monitor is displayed on a monitor in the control room and on some of the remote observing desktops. Some fields change depending on telescope activity or which instrument is active. === Example === CSO TELESCOPE STATUS PAGE 1 DATE AUG/26/2014 DOY 238 MJD 56895 AAZ +101.1994 AZA +34.9396 UTC 20:46:39.6 DAT 35 DUT -0.312 RAZ +101.1988 RZA +34.9400 LST 08:44:49.8 EAZ(") +1.9 EZA(") -1.2 RAO +0.0 DECO +0.0 GLO +0.0 GBO +0.0 AZO +0.0 ZAO -0.0 FAZO -88.0 FZAO +68.5 TAZO +0.0 TZAO +0.0 IDLE ACQ ALTAZ POINT MUSIC REFRAC 26.9 CHOP AZO +0.0 AIR MASS 1.220 BAROM 626.1 TEMP +16.9 HUMID 16.1 TAU 225 0.154 AT 20:41:00.0 X POS -10.85 THETA +90.00 Y POS +0.00 FOCUS +0.00 FOC MODE STEALTHY SHUTTER 14.9 Y OFFSET +0.00 FOC OFFS -0.10 BSW 180.0" 0.534Hz TLENGTH +0.003 | ^ column ^^^^ ^ row | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | | 1 | Date and time || Telescope pointing || | 2 | ::: || ::: || | 3 | ::: || ::: || | 4 | |||| | 5 | Offsets & \\ Pointing \\ Info || Source \\ Info || | 6 | ::: || ::: || | 7 | ::: || ::: || | 8 | ::: || ::: || | 9 | ::: || Tracking status || | 10 | ::: || || | 11 | |||| | 12 | Spectroscopy \\ Info || Map \\ Info | Weather | | 13 | ::: || ::: | ::: | | 14 | ::: || ::: | ::: | | 15 | ::: || ::: | ::: | | 16 | || ::: | ::: | | 17 | Secondary \\ Mirror \\ Position || || | 18 | ::: || Secondary \\ Status | Dome | | 19 | ::: || ::: | ::: |