====== 2003 Publications ======
=== Journal papers ===
- **A broadband superconducting detector suitable for use in large arrays ** \\ Day, Peter K.; LeDuc, Henry G.; Mazin, Benjamin A.; Vayonakis, Anastasios; Zmuidzinas, Jonas \\ 2003 Nature 425, 817 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003Natur.425..817D|ADS]]
- **Magnetic Fields in Cool Clouds within the Central 50 Parsecs of the Galaxy ** \\ Chuss, D.T.; Davidson, Jacqueline A.; Dotson, J. L.; Dowell, C. D.; Hildebrand, R..; Novak, G.; Vaillancourt, J.E. \\ 2003 ApJ 599, 1116 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003ApJ...599.1116C|ADS]]
- **Dense Molecular Clumps in the Orion Bar Photon Dominated Region ** \\ Lis, D.C., Schilke, P. \\ 2003 ApJL 597, L145 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003ApJ...597L.145L|ADS]]
- **The High Angular Resolution Measurement of Ion and Neutral Spectra as a Probe of the Magnetic Field Structure in DR 21(OH) ** \\ Lai, Shih-Ping; Velusamy, T.; Langer, W. D. \\ 2003 ApJL 596, L239 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003ApJ...596L.239L|ADS]]
- **First Detection of Doubly Deuterated Hydrogen Sulfide ** \\ Vastel, C., Phillips, T.G., Ceccarelli, C., Pearson, J. \\ 2003 ApJL 593, L97 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003ApJ...593L..97V|ADS]]
- **Indications of Inflow Motions in Regions Forming Massive Stars ** \\ Wu, J., Evans, N.J., II \\ 2003 ApJL 592, L79 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003ApJ...592L..79W|ADS]]
- **Peculiar Velocity Limits from Measurements of the Spectrum of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect in Six Clusters of Galaxies ** \\ Benson, B. A.; Church, S. E.; Ade, P. A. R.; Bock, J. J.; Ganga, K. M.; Hinderks, J. R.; Mauskopf, P. D.; Philhour, B.; Runyan, M. C.; Thompson, K. L. \\ 2003 ApJ 592, 674 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003ApJ...592..674B|ADS]]
- ** A 12CO //J//=6-5 Map of M82: The Significance of Warm Molecular Gas ** \\ Ward, J., Zmuidzinas, J., Harris, A., Isaac, K. \\ 2003 ApJ 587, 171 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003ApJ...587..171W|ADS]]
- **Chemistry and dynamics in pre-protostellar cores ** \\ Lee, J.E., Evans, N.J., Shirley, Y.L., Tatamatsu, K. \\ 2003 ApJ 583, 789 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003ApJ...583..789L|ADS]]
- **Detection of a Second, Strong Submillimeter HCN Laser Line Toward Carbon Stars ** \\ Schilke, P., Menten, K.M. \\ 2003 ApJ 583, 446 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003ApJ...583..446S|ADS]]
- **First Detection of Vibrationally Excited HNC in Space ** \\ Schilke, P., Comito, C., Thorwirth, S. \\ 2003 ApJL 582, L101 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003ApJ...582L.101S|ADS]]
- **From Massive Protostars to a Giant HII Region: a Submillimeter Mapping of the Galactic Mini-starburst W43 ** \\ Motte, F., Schilke, P., Lis, D. C. \\ 2003 ApJ 582, 277 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003ApJ...582..277M|ADS]]
- **A CS //J//=5->4 Mapping Survey Toward High-Mass Star-forming Cores Associated with Water Masers ** \\ Shirley, Y.L., Evans, N.J., Young, K.E., Knez, C., Jaffe, D.T. \\ 2003 ApJS 149, 375 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003ApJS..149..375S|ADS]]
- **Non-Gaussian velocity shears in the environment of low mass dense cores ** \\ Pety, J.; Falgarone, E. \\ 2003 A&A 412, 417 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003A%26A...412..417P|ADS]]
- **A Massive Disk/Envelope in Shocked H2 Emission around UCHII Region ** \\ Kumar, M.S., Fernandes, A.J.L., Hunter, T.R., Davis, C.J., Kurtz, S. \\ 2003 A&A 412, 175 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003A%26A...412..175K|ADS]]
- **Sulphur chemistry in the envelopes of massive young stars ** \\ van der Tak, F. F. S.; Boonman, A. M. S.; Braakman, R.; van Dishoeck, E. F. \\ 2003 A&A 412, 133 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003A%26A...412..133V|ADS]]
- **Dense Gas in Nearby Galaxies XV. Hot Ammonia in NGC 253, Maffei 2 and IC 342 ** \\ Mauersberger, R., Henkel, C., Weiß, A, Peck, A.B., Hagiwara, Y. \\ 2003 A&A 403, 561 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003A%26A...403..561M|ADS]]
- **Abundant H2D+ in the pre-stellar core L1544 ** \\ Caselli, P., van der Tak, F., Ceccarelli, C., Bacmann, A. \\ 2003 A&A 403, 37 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003A%26A...403L..37C|ADS]]
- **The line-of-sight distribution of water in the SgrB2 complex ** \\ Comito, C., Schilke, P., Gerin, M., Phillips, T.G., Zmuidzinas, J., Lis, D.C. \\ 2003 A&A 402, 635 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003A%26A...402..635C|ADS]]
- **Production and kinematics of CO in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) at large post-perihelion distances ** \\ Gunnarsson, M.; Bockelée-Morvan, D.; Winnberg, A.; Rickman, H.; Crovisier, J.; Biver, N.; Colom, P.; Davies, J. K.; Despois, D.; Henry, F.; Johansson, L. E. B.; Moreno, R.; Paubert, G.; Rantakyrö, F. T. \\ 2003 A&A 402, 383 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003A%26A...402..383G|ADS]]
- **Submillimetre observations of the Hubble Deep Field and Flanking Fields ** \\ Serjeant, S.; Dunlop, J. S.; Mann, R. G.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Hughes, D.; Efstathiou, A.; Blain, A.; Fox, M.; Ivison, R. J.; Jenness, T.; Lawrence, A.; Longair, M.; Oliver, S.; Peacock, J. A. \\ 2003 MNRAS 344, 877 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003MNRAS.344..887S|ADS]]
- **Observational study of starless cores in Taurus ** \\ Toshikazu, O. \\ 2003 Astronomical Herald 96, 546 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003AstHe..96..546T|ADS]]
- **Controlling a telescope chopping secondary mirror assembly using a signal deconvolution technique ** \\ Houde, M., Holt, L. C., Yoshida, H., Nelson, P. M. \\ 2003 Rev. Sci. Instr. 74, 3802 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003RScI...74.3802H|ADS]]
- **CMB Anisotropy Constraints on Flat-Λ and Open CDM Cosmogonies from DMR, UCSB South Pole, Python, Argo, Max, White Dish, OVRO, and SuZIE Data ** \\ Mukherjee, P.; Ganga, K.; Ratra, B.; Rocha, G.; Souradeep, T.; Sugiyama, N.; Gorski, K. \\ 2003 Int. J. Mod. Phys. 18, 4933 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003IJMPA..18.4933M|ADS]]
- **Cramér-Rao Sensitivity Limits for Astronomical Interferometry ** \\ Zmuidzinas, J. \\ 2003 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 20, 218 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003JOSAA..20..218Z|ADS]]
- **A Full-Height Waveguide to Thin-Film Microstrip Transition with Exceptional RF Bandwidth and Coupling Efficiency ** \\ Kooi, J. W., Chattopadhyay, G., Withington, S., Rice, F., Zmuidzinas, J., Walker, C. K., Yassin, G. \\ 2003 IJIRMMW 24, 261 [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1021903132609|DOI]]
=== Conference proceedings ===
- **Episodic Mass Loss on the Timescale of Thermal Pulses: Submillimeter Observations of Dust Shells ** \\ Speck, A., Lis, D.C., Meixner, M., Knapp, G. \\ in //Astrophysics of Dust// ed. A. N. Witt \\ 2003, abstract 67 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003asdu.confE..67S|ADS]]
- **Condiciones físicas de la envoltura de baja velocidad de CRL618 derivadas de modos vibracionalmente excitados de HC3N ** \\ Pardo, J. R.; Cernicharo, J.; Goicoechea, J. R. \\ in //Una visión general del potencial de los grupos de química españoles anters los nuevos desafíos de la Astrofísica// \\ 2003 1er Congreso Nacional de Astrofísica Molecular, 59 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003cnam.conf...59P|ADS]]
- **[CII] 158 Micron Line in Absorption towards the Galactic Centre: Connection with Bright IR Galaxies ** \\ C. Vastel, E. Polehampton, J.P. Baluteau, B. Swinyard, E. Caux, D. Lis, P. Cox \\ in //Exploring ISO Data Archive. Infrared astronomy in the Internet Age//, ed. C. Gry, S. Peschke, J. Matagne, P. Garcia-Lario, R. Lorente, & A. Salama \\ 2003 ESA SP-511, 225 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003ESASP.511..225V|ADS]]
- **Mapping Magnetic Fields in the Cold Dust at the Galactic Center ** \\ Chuss, D.T., Novak, G., Davidson, J. A, Dotson, J. L.; Dowell, C. D., Hildebrand, R.H., Vaillancourt, J. E. \\ in //Galactic Center Workshop 2002 - The central 300 parsecs of the Milky Way//, ed. A. Cotera, S. Markoff, T. R. Geballe, H. Falcke \\ 2003 Astronomische Nachrichten Suppl. 324, 173 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003ANS...324..173C|ADS]]
- **[CII] 158 μm Absorption Line Towards the Galactic Center: Connection with Bright IR Galaxies ** \\ Vastel, C., Polehampton, E., Baluteau, J.-P., Swinyard, B., Caux, E., Cox, P. \\ in // Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation//, ed. C. L. Curry, M. Fich \\ 2003, p. 441 (NRC) [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003cdsf.conf..441V|ADS]]
- ** Rotational Spectroscopy and Hot Core Observational Astronomy of Prebiotic Molecules ** \\ Widicus, S.L., Drouin, B.J., Dyl, K.A. & Blake, G.A. \\ in //Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation//, ed. C. L. Curry, M. Fich \\ 2003, p. 449 (NRC) [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003cdsf.conf..449W|ADS]]
- ** HCN Abundance Contrast in Warm Dense Cores of G1.6-0.025 ** \\ Peng, R., Whiteoak, J., Houde, M., Yoshida, H. \\ in //Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation//, ed. C. L. Curry, M. Fich \\ 2003, p. 381 (NRC) [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003cdsf.conf..381P|ADS]]
- **Line Survey of Orion-KL in the 350 Micron Band ** \\ Comito, C., Schilke, P., Phillips, T.G., Lis, D.C., Motte, F., Mehringer, D.M. \\ in //Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation//, ed. C. L. Curry, M. Fich \\ 2003, p. 270 (NRC) [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003cdsf.conf..270C|ADS]]
- **Water in the Envelope of Sgr B2 ** \\ Comito, C., Schilke, P., Gerin, M., Phillips, T.G. & Zmuidzinas, J.\\ in //Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation//, ed. C. L. Curry, M. Fich \\ 2003, p. 267 (NRC) [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003cdsf.conf..267C|ADS]]
- **Measurement of the Magnetic Field in Molecular Clouds ** \\ Houde, Martin; Bastien, Pierre; Dotson, Jessie L.; Dowell, C. Darren; Hildebrand, Roger H.; Peng, Ruisheng; Phillips, Thomas G.; Vaillancourt, John E.; Yoshida, Hiroshige \\ in // Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation//, ed. C. L. Curry, M. Fich \\ 2003, p. 91 (NRC) [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003cdsf.conf...91H|ADS]]
- ** L134N (L183) Revisited: Dust Content and Gas Depletion ** \\ Pagani, L.; Pardo, J.-R.; Cambrésy, L.; Motte, F.; Apponi, A. J.; Stepnik, B.; Fich, M. \\ in //Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation//, ed. C. L. Curry, M. Fich \\ 2003, p. 73 (NRC) [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003cdsf.conf...73P|ADS]]
- **Interstellar Triply Deuterated Ammonia ** \\ van der Tak, F., Lis, D.C., Gerin, M., Roueff, E., Schilke, P., T.G. Phillips \\ in // Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation//, ed. C. L. Curry, M. Fich \\ 2003, p. 50 (NRC)[[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003cdsf.conf...50V|ADS]]
- **Future Millimeter/Submillimeter Instrumentation and Science Opportunities: The Example of Deuterated Molecules ** \\ Phillips, T. G.; Vastel, C. \\ in //Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation//, ed. C. L. Curry, M. Fich \\ 2003, p. 3 (NRC) [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003cdsf.conf....3P|ADS]]
- **L183 (L134N), dust, gas and depletion ** \\ Pagani, L.; Apponi, A. J.; Bacmann, A.; Cambrésy, L.; Fich, M.; Lagache, G.; Miville-Deschênes, M.-A.; Motte, F.; Pardo, J.-R. \\ in //SF2A-2003: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Française//, ed. F. Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini, L. Pagani \\ 2003 EdP-Sciences Conference Series, p. 195 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003sf2a.conf..195P|ADS]]
- **A molecular filament threaded by helical magnetic fields? ** \\ Hily-Blant, P.; Falgarone, E.; Pineau Des Forêts, G.; Phillips, T. G. \\ in //SF2A-2003: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Française//, ed. F. Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini, L. Pagani \\ 2003 EdP-Sciences Conference Series, p. 171 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003sf2a.conf..171H|ADS]]
- **Investigating the Chemical Diversity of Comets from Radio Observations ** \\ Colom, P., Biver, N., Bockelée-Morvan, D., Crovisier, J., Henry, F., Moreno, R., Paubert, G., Despois, D., Lis, D.C. \\ in //SF2A-2003: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Française//, ed. F. Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini, L. Pagani \\ 2003 EdP-Sciences Conference Series, p. 139 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003sf2a.conf..139C|ADS]]
- ** Radiospectroscopical Search for Molecule Delivery and Induced Chemistry in the Earth Atmosphere during the Leonids Meteor Shower ** \\ Despois, D., Ricaurd, P., Schneider, N., Urban, J. Lautie, N., Selsis, N., Biver, N., Bockelée-Morvan, D., Crovisier, J., Lis, D., Moreno, Chamberlin, R, Phillips, T. et al. \\ in //SF2A-2003: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Française//, ed. F. Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini, L. Pagani \\ 2003 EdP-Sciences Conference Series, p. 69 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003sf2a.conf...69D|ADS]] ????
- **High-Resolution Multiline Study of HMSF Region G268.42-0.85 ** \\ Lapinov, A,; Peng, R. \\ in //Star Formation at High Angular Resolution// \\ 2003 IAUS 221, poster 30 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003IAUS..221P..30L|ADS]]
- **Chemical Diversity of Comets from Radio Observations ** \\ Biver, Nicolas; Bockelee-Morvan, Dominique; Colom, Pierre; Crovisier, Jacques; Henry, Florence; Moreno, Raphael; Paubert, Gabriel; Despois, Didier; Lis, Dariusz C. \\ in //Formation of Cometary Material// \\ 2003 IAU Joint Discussion 14, 45 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003IAUJD..14E..45B|ADS]]
- **Design and performances of a cryogenic Fabry-Perot for submillimeter astronomy ** \\ Pajot, Francois P.; Maffei, Bruno; Benford, Dominic J.; Fixsen, Dale J.; Lefranc, Sébastien; Moseley, S. H.; Rioux, Cyrille; Shafer, Rick A.; Shah, Gaurav J.; Staguhn, Johannes G. \\ 2003 Proc. SPIE 5172, 13 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003SPIE.5172...13P|ADS]]
- **Distributed Framework for Dynamic Telescope and Instrument Control ** \\ Ames, T.J.; Case, L. \\ 2003 Proc SPIE 4857, 73 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003SPIE.4857...73A|ADS]]
- **A Submillimeter Atmospheric FTS at the Geographic South Pole ** \\ Chamberlin, R.A., Martin, R., Martin, C.L., Stark, A.\\ 2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 609 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003SPIE.4855..609C|ADS]]
- **Design and Fabrication of Two-Dimensional Superconducting Bolometer Arrays** \\ Benford, D., Voellmer, G., Chervenak, J., Irwin, K., Moseley, S.H., Shafer, R., Staguhn, J., Stacey, G. \\ 2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 552 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003SPIE.4855..552B|ADS]]
- **SIS mixer design for a broadband millimeter spectrometer suitable for rapid line surveys and redshift determinations ** \\ Rice, F., Sumner, M., Zmuidzinas, J., Hu, R., LeDuc, H., Harris, A., Miller, D. \\ 2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 301 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003SPIE.4855..301R|ADS]]
- **Heterodyne Instrumentation Upgrade at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory ** \\ Kooi, Jacob W.; Kovacs, Attila; Kaye, Steven M.; Dama, J.; Edgar, Michael L.; Zmuidzinas, Jonas; Phillips, Thomas G. \\ 2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 265 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003SPIE.4855..265K|ADS]]
- **Z-Spec: a broadband, direct-detection, millimeter-wave spectrometer ** \\ Naylor, Bret J.; Ade, Peter A. R.; Bock, James J.; Bradford, Charles M.; Dragovan, Mark; Duband, Lionel; Earle, Lieko; Glenn, Jason; Matsuhara, Hideo; Nguyen, Hien; Yun, Minhee; Zmuidzinas, Jonas \\ 2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 239 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003SPIE.4855..239N|ADS]]
- **Superconducting Bolometer Array Architectures ** \\ Benford, D., Chervenak, J., Irwin, K., Moseley, S.H., Shafer, R., Staguhn, J., Wollack, E. \\ 2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 148 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003SPIE.4855..148B|ADS]]
- ** Astronomical demonstration of superconducting bolometer arrays ** \\ Staguhn, J., Benford, D., Pajot, F., Ames, T, Chervenak, J., Grossman, E., Maffei, B., Moseley, H., Phillips, T.G., Reintsema, Carl D.; Rioux, Cyrille; Shafer, Richard A.; Voellmer, George M. \\ 2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 100 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003SPIE.4855..100S|ADS]]
- **ZEUS: A Submillimeter Grating Spectrometer for Exploring Distant Galaxies ** \\ Nikola, Tomas; Hailey-Dunsheath, Steven; Stacey, Gordon J.; Benford, Dominic J.; Moseley, Samuel H., Jr.; Staguhn, Johannes G. \\ 2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 88 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003SPIE.4855...88N|ADS]]
- **SHARC II: a CSO facility camera with 384 pixels ** \\ Dowell, C. D., Allen, C. A., Babu, R. S., Freund, M. M., Gardner, M., Groseth, J., Jhabvala, M. A., Kovacs, A., Lis, D. C., Moseley, S. H., Jr., Phillips, T. G., Silverberg, R. F., Voellmer, G. M., Yoshida, H. \\ 2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 73 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003SPIE.4855...73D|ADS]]
- **Design and fabrication of two-dimensional semiconducting bolometer arrays for HAWC and SHARC-II ** \\ Voellmer, George M.; Allen, Christine A.; Amato, Michael J.; Babu, Sachidananda R.; Bartels, Arlin E.; Benford, Dominic J.; Derro, Rebecca J.; Dowell, C. D.; Harper, D. A.; Jhabvala, Murzy D.; Moseley, S. H.; Rennick, Timothy; Shirron, Peter J.; Smith, W. W.; Staguhn, Johannes G. \\ 2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 63 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003SPIE.4855...63V|ADS]]
- **Current status of Bolocam: A large-format millimeter-wave Bolometer camera ** \\ Glenn, J., Ade, A.R., Amarie, A., Bock, J., Edgington, S., Goldin, A., Golwala, S., Haig, D., Lange, A., Laurent, G., Mauskopf, P., Yun, M., Nguyen, H. \\ 2003 Proc. SPIE 4855, 30 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003SPIE.4855...30G|ADS]]
- **WaFIRS: a waveguide far-IR spectrometer: enabling spectroscopy of high-z galaxies in the far-IR and submillimeter ** \\ Bradford, Charles M.; Naylor, Bret J.; Zmuidzinas, Jonas; Bock, James J.; Gromke, J.; Nguyen, Hien; Dragovan, Mark; Yun, Minhee; Earle, Lieko; Glenn, Jason; Matsuhara, Hideo; Ade, Peter A. R.; Duband, Lionel \\ 2003 Proc. SPIE 4850, 1137 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003SPIE.4850.1137B|ADS]]
- **Heterodyne Instrumentation Development for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory ** \\ Kooi, Jacob W.; Kovacs, Attila; Phillips, T. G.; Zmuidzinas, J. \\ 2003 Proc. 14th Int. Symp. Space THz Tech., 215 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003stt..conf..215K|ADS]]
- **The Debris Disk around ε Eridani at 350 microns ** \\ Wilner, D. J.; Dowell, C. D.; Holman, M. J.; Kuchner, M. J. \\ 2003 AAS 203, 130.03 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003AAS...20313003W|ADS]]
- **Deep Source Count Observations with SHARC II: Reduction Software and Latest Results ** Khan, S. A.; Arendt, R. G.; Benford, D. J.; Borys, C.; Dowell, C. D.; Kovacs, A.; Moseley, S. H.; Shafer, R. A.; Silverberg, R. F.; Staguhn, J. G. \\ 2003 AAS 203, 119.06 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003AAS...20311906K|ADS]]
- **AFGL 5376: Submillimeter Dust Emission from a Large Scale Shock Region Near the Galactic Center ** \\ Staguhn, J. G.; Morris, M. R.; Uchida, K. I.; Benford, D. J. \\ 2003 AAS 203, 112.09 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003AAS...20311209S|ADS]]
- **Low Mass Star Formation in Perseus: Large Field Mapping at 1mm with Bolocam ** \\ Enoch, M. L.; Sargent, A. I.; Golwala, S.; Glenn, J.; Evans, N. J., II; Young, K. E. \\ 2003 AAS 203, 98.06 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003AAS...203.9806E|ADS]]
- **The Physical and Kinematic Structure of the DR 21 (OH) Star Formation Region ** \\ Kaleida, C. C.; Mangum, J. G. \\ 2003 AAS 203, 94.02 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003AAS...203.9402K|ADS]]
- **Submillimeter Imaging of the Monoceros R2 Star Forming Region ** \\ Benford, D. J.; Hunter, T. R.; Staguhn, J. G.\\ 2003 AAS 203, 94.01 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003AAS...203.9401B|ADS]]
- **Bolocam 1.1-millimeter Galaxy Survey ** \\ Laurent, G. T.; Aguirre, J. E.; Bock, J.; Edgington, S.; Enoch, M.; Glenn, J.; Goldin, A.; Golwala, S.; Haig, D. J.; Maloney, P.; Mauskopf, P.; Nguyen, H.; Rossinot, P.; Sayers, J.; Stover, P. \\ 2003 AAS 203, 50.03 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003AAS...203.5003L|ADS]]
- **Submillimeter Imaging of the Spiral Galaxy M51 ** \\ Benford, D. J.; Staguhn, J. G. \\ 2003 AAS 202, 40.14 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003AAS...202.4014B|ADS]]
- **SHARC II Observations of the Galactic Center ** \\ Staguhn, J. G.; Benford, D. J.; Dowell, C. D. \\ 2003 AAS 202, 26.01 [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003AAS...202.2601S|ADS]]
- **Dish Surface Optimization System: Surface Correction on a 10.4-meter Leighton Primary Mirror ** \\ Leong, M., Houde, M., Peng, R., Yoshida, H., Chamberlin, R., Phillips, T. G. \\ 2003, in AMOS Conference Proceedings, ed. P. Kervin, and J. Africano, AFRL/MEDB, Kihei, HI {{cso:telescope:dsos:2003-leong.pdf|pdf}}
=== Theses ===
- **Exploring the submillimeter sky: molecular line studies at 350 microns** \\ Comito, C. \\ 2003 PhD Thesis, Universität Bonn [[https://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003PhDT.......219C|ADS]]
- **Models and observations of the millimeter and submillimeter molecular line emission of bright-rimmed clouds ** \\ de Vries, C. H. \\ 2003 PhD Thesis, University of Massachusetts [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003PhDT.........5D|ADS]]
- **Gas and dust chemistry in planet-forming disks ** \\ Kessler, J. E. \\ 2003 PhD Thesis, California Institute of Technology [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2004PhDT.......201K|ADS]] [[http://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-10222003-092836|Caltech Library]]