===== Observer Report ====== Please submit a report at the end of each observing run (even if bad weather precluded any observations.) These reports help the CSO staff track telescope usage and problems.
Action mail sradford@caltech.edu diana@submm.caltech.edu Thanks "Thank you for submitting an observer report." Fieldset "Proposal Information" textbox "Principal Investigator" number "Proposal number" email "Your email address" textbox "Other observers" ! textbox "Start date [yyyy-mm-dd]" ! number "Nights allocated" ! select "Category" "Community|CIT|JPL|Texas|UH|Engineering" textbox "If engineering, description" ! textbox "Account names used" ! textarea "Brief description of results" ! fieldset "Instruments" static "Please indicate the number of nights you used each instrument." static "Heterodyne systems" yesno "230 GHz sidecab" ="used" number "nights" ! yesno "345 GHz sidecab" ="used" number "nights" ! yesno "460 GHz sidecab" ="used" number "nights" ! yesno "690 GHz sidecab" ="used" number "nights" ! yesno "345 GHz wideband (Barney)" ="used" number "nights" ! yesno "850 GHz" ="used" number "nights" ! textbox "Observing Frequencies [GHz]" ! static "Spectrometers" yesno "FFTS1N" ="used" yesno "FFTS1W" ="used" yesno "FFTS2" ="used" yesno "AOS5" ="used" static "Cameras" yesno "Sharc 350 μm" ="used" number "nights" ! yesno "Sharc 450 μm" ="used" number "nights" ! yesno "Sharc 850 μm" ="used" number "nights" ! static "Other instrumentation" yesno "DSOS" ="used" textbox "With which instruments?" ! textbox "Visitor instrument" ! number "nights" ! fieldset "Experience" select "Fraction of proposed observations completed" ">80%|60-80%|40-59%|<40%" ! number "Time lost (except for weather) [hours]" ! select "Major reason for lost time" "Tuning|Computer|Pointing|AOS|FFTS|DSOS|Mirrors|Chopper|Other" ! textbox "Details of lost time" ! number "Nights when weather precluded any observations" ! select "Please rate the data quality" "Excellent|Good|Decent|Poor|Hopeless" ! textarea "Please summarize your observing, including any difficulties" ! textbox "Comments about HP services" ! fieldset " " submit "Submit Report"