====== Quick Start Guide ====== This quick guide outlines the steps necessary to start observing with Sharc II or Sharp. The [[http://www.submm.caltech.edu/~sharc/|Sharc]] and [[http://lennon.astro.northwestern.edu/SHARP|Sharp]] documentation have further details. Please also review the general [[cso:observing:operating]]. Remote observers, please review the remote observing [[cso:policy:remote_obs|policy]] and [[cso:observing:remoteobs|instructions]]. ===== Setup ===== - At the telescope, login to kilauea with the sharc account. Consult staff for password. \\ Remote observers, please use your own computer. - Check the detector temperature is about 0.35 K. * [[cso:observing:remoteobs#connect_to_the_vnc_desktop_s|Connect]] to view the fridge monitor. \\ ''comp% **csovnc.pl -l sharc sharc.fridge**'' * Consult staff for passwords. * [[cryo#Cycle]] the Sharc 3He fridge at least a few hours before starting to observe. === Telescope === - [[cso:observing:remoteobs#connect_to_the_vnc_desktop_s|Connect]] to the UIP desktop. \\ ''comp% **csovnc.pl -l sharc uip**'' * Consult staff for passwords. - In the lower right xterm, login with the sharc account. \\ ''kilauea$ **ssh sharc@kilauea**'' - Start the UIP. \\ ''kilauea/sharc> **uip**'' - Enable control mode, if necessary. \\ ''uip> **pundit true**'' - Point to the east at 45° zenith angle and open the [[cso:telescope:shutter|shutter]]. \\ ''__uip__> **az 90**'' ! East \\ ''__uip__> **za 45**'' ! for DSOS initialization \\ ''__uip__> **shutter /open**'' * Avoid the sun. * When [[cso:policy:remote_obs|remote observing]], please wait until 1 hour after sunset before moving the telescope or opening the shutter. * At the telescope, * Pull the red stop button before opening the shutter or moving the telescope, * Check for possible collisions before slewing the telescope (ladders, sidecab, etc.), and * Close all doors toward telescope. - Set the UIP to continuum mode and select Sharc2. \\ ''__uip__> **instrument sharc2**'' - Verify the tertiary mirror position and optical path. \\ ''__uip__> **tertiary /nasmyth2**'' ! included in **instrument** \\ ''__uip__> **vane /out**'' ! move the calibration load out of the beam === SHARC === - Check the filter wheel indicator on top of the cryostat. * "250" => 350 µm, "500" => 450 µm, "750" => 850 µm * For remote observing, this must be done in advance. - For Sharp, check the half-wave plate (HWP) controller is on. * It is at the bottom of the sharc electronics stack. * Check the HWP angle is set to about 50°. * The angle is displayed in increments of 0.01°. * For remote observing, this must be done in advance. - [[cso:observing:remoteobs#connect_to_the_vnc_desktop_s|Connect]] to the Sharc desktop. \\ ''comp% **csovnc.pl -l sharc sharc**'' * Consult staff for passwords. - Turn on the Sharc electronics. * In the kilauea (lower right) xterm on the Sharc desktop, \\ ''kilauea% **sharcpwr on**'' * At the telescope, you may use the alidade power controller switch (charge -> operate). * On the instrument electronics, there two green lights and a yellow light will illuminate. * Throw the power switch on the instrument electronics to //ON//. * For remote observing, this must be done in advance. * On the instrument electronics, two additional red lights will illuminate. - For Sharp, turn on the HWP heater at least 30 min before observing. * In the kilauea (lower right) xterm on the Sharc desktop, \\ ''kilauea% **sharphwp on**'' - Login to sharcii, if necessary. * In the sharcii (lower left) xterm on the Sharc desktop, \\ ''kilauea% **ssh sharc@sharcii**'' - Configure the amplifier electronics and multiplexer. * In the sharcii (lower left) xterm on the Sharc desktop, \\ ''sharcii% **cd ~/fpga** '' \\ ''sharcii% **go**'' * This resets the instrument gain. - Restart the DSP program. * If necessary, stop the sharcServer and sharcClient. Normally these are not running. * In the sharcii (lower left) xterm on the Sharc desktop, \\ ''sharcii% **cd ~/DSP **'' \\ ''sharcii% **sharcDSP **'' * Wait a moment, then check the status. \\ ''sharcii% **s2 **'' \\ '' SHARC2> ** status **'' * There should be 3x4 12's and 2 36's, like [[http://www.submm.caltech.edu/~sharc/operating/dsp_monitor_sample.txt|this]] * Check the timestamp (UT) is updating. \\ '' SHARC2> ** status **'' * If the timestamp does not update, try ''**status**'' again a few times. * If that doesn't work, quit the status program and run ''**sharcDSP **'' again. * If that still doesn't work, try the [[http://www.submm.caltech.edu/~sharc/operating/manual.htm#DSP_reset|DSP help page]] * Quit the status program. \\ '' SHARC2> **quit** '' - Start the IRC server. * In the sharcii (lower left) xterm on the Sharc desktop, \\ '' sharcii% **cd ~/irc**'' \\ '' sharcii% **sharcServer**'' * There are many messages. The last message will be \\ '' //hh:mm:ss.sss// EVENT Started org.mortbay.http.HttpServer@//xxxxxxx//'' - Start the IRC client. * In the kilauea xterm on the Sharc desktop, \\ ''kilauea% ** cd ~/irc** '' \\ ''kilauea% **./sharcClient**'' * The popup message about the polarimeter being unavailable is normal. Dismiss it. * If a popup message warns the DSOS RPC service is unavailable, the DSOS software is not running. - Dismiss the popup, - Stop both the IRC client and the IRC server, - [[cso:telescope:dsos:userproc|Start]] the DSOS software, and - Restart both the IRC server and the IRC client. * Arrange the windows sensibly. \\ ''kilauea% **./sharcArrange**'' * For Sharp, use instead \\ ''kilauea% **./sharpArrange**'' * In the //Sharc Controls// IRC window, fill in the //Observation Options// fields (wavelength, observer, project). - In the //Sharc Controls// IRC window, click the //Level Hardware// button. === DSOS === * Following the [[cso:telescope:dsos:userproc]] to start the active surface correction (DSOS). * Wait until the sun is down and the shutter has been open for 1 hour. * Wait for all but a few (1-3) DSOS temperatures to settle before observing. ===== Observing ===== ==== SHARC ==== === Catalogs === - Enter new sources in a source [[cso:telescope:uip:catalog|catalog]]. * Some standard catalogs are in ''~sharc/.uip/cat/'' * Edit source catalogs directly. * Uses other sources as an example. - For Sharp, load the source catalog \\ ''__uip__> **catalog sharp **'' === Calibrators === Observe calibrators to determine the best pointing and focus offsets and for flux calibration. - Pick a calibrator using the ''[[cso:telescope:orrery|orrery]]'' on the UIP desktop. - Track a calibrator. For example \\ ''__uip__> **planet uranus** '' //or// \\ ''__uip__> ** observe cal_crl2688 **'' * For minor planets, etc., or if the ephemeris is out of date, use JPL Horizons ephemeris. \\ ''__uip__> ** planet ganymede /jpl **'' * Check the [[http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/objects/javascript/jupiter|relative positions]] of the Jovian moons. They can be close enough to each other that more than one appears in the field of view. * The names of all fixed calibrators start with //cal_//. Display all of them with \\ ''__uip__> ** ver cal_* **'' - Start a Lissajous sweep. \\ ''__uip__> **sweep 30 20 /Y 20 14.142 /alt ** '' - Set the integration time in the //Sharc Controls// IRC window to **120 sec**. - Before starting a new exposure, //**always**// click the //Level Hardware// button level in the //Sharc Controls// IRC window. * If a calibrator is really bright (Jupiter, Saturn, or Mars at opposition), offset the telescope before leveling. \\ ''__uip__> **azo 300 ** '' \\ level hardware \\ ''__uip__> **azo 0 ** '' - Click the //Start// arrow in the //Sharc Controls// IRC window. - Find the best pointing and focus by examining images of point sources. * Check the focus every 30-45 min at the start of the night, every couple of hours thereafter. * If the image is too "horizontal" (major axis from 2 o'clock to 8 o'clock), use a more negative focus offset. * If the image is too "vertical" (major axis from 5 o'clock to 11 o'clock), use a more positive focus offset. - Enter the pointing offsets. \\ ''__uip__> **fazo //az_offset// **'' \\ ''__uip__> **fzao //za_offset//**'' - Enter the focus offset.\\ ''__uip__> **focus /offset //focus_offset// ** '' === Targets === Observing target sources is similar to observing calibrators. - Track the target. \\ ''__uip__> ** observe //target// **'' - Start a Lissajous sweep. \\ ''__uip__> **sweep 30 20 /Y 20 14.142 /alt ** '' - Set the integration time in the //Sharc Controls// IRC window. * This will depend on the program and on the weather. * For deep integrations in good weather, 300 sec or 600 sec per exposure is typical. - Before starting a new exposure, //**always**// click the //Level Hardware// button level in the //Sharc Controls// IRC window. - Click the //Start// arrow in the //Sharc Controls// IRC window. ==== Beam switching ==== Beam switching is rarely used with Sharc but is more common for Sharp. - Start the secondary chopper. \\ ''__uip__> **secondary 36.5 1.388888 4 4 ** '' * The chopper waveform is displayed in the UIP desktop. * Wait until chopper servo finishes tuning. - Observe with a slow sweep. \\ ''__uip__> ** sweep 30 70 /y 20 50 /alt **'' - For a calibrator, set the integration time in the //Sharc Controls// IRC window to **120 sec**. - Stop the chopper \\ ''__uip__> ** secondary /stop **'' ==== SHARP ==== The Sharp [[http://lennon.astro.northwestern.edu/SHARP/observing.pdf|documentation]] outlines procedures and data reduction for Sharp observations. ===== Data Analysis ====== For routine observations, use [[http://www.submm.caltech.edu/~sharc/crush|CRUSH]] for data analysis. There are also some alternate tools for specific tasks. Each exposure is identified by a five digit number, //NNNNN//. - [[cso:observing:remoteobs#connect_to_the_vnc_desktop_s|Connect]] to the quicklook desktop \\ ''comp% **csovnc.pl -l sharc sharc.ql**'' - In an xterm, * for faint sources, \\ ''kilauea% ** crush sharc2 -deep //NNNN1 NNNN2... // ** '' * for medium sources, \\ ''kilauea% ** crush sharc2 //NNNN1 NNNN2... // ** '' * for bright sources, \\ ''kilauea% ** crush sharc2 -bright //NNNN1 NNNN2... // ** '' * and for extended sources, \\ ''kilauea% ** crush sharc2 -extended //NNNN1 NNNN2... // ** '' * The options control the treatment of sky noise. See the [[http://www.submm.caltech.edu/~sharc/crush|CRUSH]] documentation for further information. * For pointing observations, \\ ''kilauea% ** crush sharc2 -point -altaz //NNNNN// ** '' * This will calculate new pointing offsets. * Alternately, \\ ''kilauea% **cd ~sharc ** '' \\ ''kilauea% ** sharcpoint //NNNNN// ** '' - View reduced images with [[http://ds9.si.edu|ds9]]. \\ ''kilauea% **ds9 ~sharc/src/data///imagename//.fits & ** '' * The //imagename// is composed of the source name and the scan number, i. e., Mars.//NNNNN//.fits. To analyse beam switched observations, - [[cso:observing:remoteobs#connect_to_the_vnc_desktop_s|Connect]] to the quicklook desktop \\ ''comp% **csovnc.pl -l sharc sharc.ql**'' - In an xterm, \\ ''kilauea% **cd ~sharc ** '' \\ ''kilauea% ** sharcchop //NNNNN// ** '' ===== After observing ===== - Close the shutter, stow the telescope, turn off the DSOS, etc. Following these [[cso:observing:operating#after_observing|instructions]]. * When remote observing, close the shutter before sunrise. - Stop the telescope scanning. * In the xterm on the UIP desktop, \\ ''__uip__> **sweep /stop**'' - Stop the chopper, if necessary. * In the xterm on the UIP desktop, \\ ''__uip__> **sec /stop**'' - Turn off the Sharc electronics. * In the kilauea xterm on the Sharc desktop, \\ ''kilauea% **sharcpwr off**'' * At the telescope, you may use the alidade power controller switch (operate -> charge). - Turn off the Sharp HWP heater. * In the kilauea xterm on the Sharc desktop, \\ ''kilauea% **sharphwp off**'' - Stop the IRC client. * On the Sharc desktop, open (deiconify) the //IRC - Instrument Remote Control// window. * In the **File** menu, select **Exit**. - Stop the IRC server. * In the sharcii xterm on the Sharc desktop, \\ ''**exit**'' - Set up a delayed 3He fridge [[cryo#cycle|cycle]]. * Only if good weather is expected. * Coordinate with the staff. * [[cso:observing:remoteobs#connect_to_the_vnc_desktop_s|Connect]] to view the fridge monitor. \\ ''comp% **csovnc.pl -l sharc sharc.fridge**'' * Consult staff for passwords. - Report any problems to the staff. - Idle the telescope. \\ ''__uip__> **idle** '' - Disconnect from the vnc desktops.