====== Cryogen usage ======
Approximate cryogen consumption and service frequency for CSO instruments.
^ Instrument ^ Precool and \\ Initial ^^ Subsequent ^^ Frequency ^
^ ::: ^ LHe ^ LN2 ^ LHe ^ LN2 ^ ::: ^
| Bolocam | 85 | 80 | 25 | 5 | daily |
| Sharc II | 60 | 110 | 15 | 10 | 2 days |
| Zspec | 160 | 360 | 40 | 50 | 2 days |
| 230/460 GHz | 13 | | 8 | | 4 days |
| 345/650 GHz | 13 | | 8 | | 7 days |
| Barney (345 GHz) | 15 | 25 | 10 | 3 | daily |
| 850 GHz | 13 | | 8 | | 4 days |
* Usage in liters.
* When the Sharc II low temperature stage is not cycled, 15 l of LHe will last 6 days.
* Zspec requires daily LN2 service.
* Additional LN2 for receiver tuning, calibrations, etc.: 3–5 l daily.
* LHe supplied in 60 l or 100 l dewars, nominal contents in Hilo.
* Because of depressurization and other losses, LHe dewars arrive at telescope with 80-85% of contents.
* LHe availability on short notice may be difficult.
* LN2 supplied in 160 l or 180 l tanks.
* This {{cryo-usage.xlsx|spreadsheet}} provides an //approximate// estimate of cryogen costs.
* Change the number of observing nights (in red) for an approximate scaling.
* The estimate is reasonable for 3 < nights < 15.
* Costs are subject to change.
* Final costs will depend on instrument and cryogen delivery schedules.
* Assumes a Sharc II cycle every night.
* The heterodyne instruments include 5 l /day of LN2 for tuning and calibration.
* The sidecab receivers are combined.
* For the sidecab and 850 GHz receivers, 60 l LHe dewars are used.
* For the other instruments, 100 l LHe dewars are used.
* LHe dewar quantization is only approximate.
* LHe boiloff from the delivery dewars is ignored.
* For the LHe dewars, rental days = observing nights + 2.
* Staggered deliveries of LHe are ignored.
===== Refererence information ======
* [[http://literature.chart-ind.com/ProductDetail.aspx?Id=42|Chart/MVE Cryogenic Gases Data Book]]
* [[http://www.aspenycap.org/files/CryogenicGases.pdf|Chart/MVE Cryogenic Gases Data Book]] //(alternate source)//