Material being to added to the history of radio astronomy
Walter Steiger is collecting pictures from the development of the CSO and is generating a history of the CSO. The photos are being digitized so they can be used as raw material for web based presentations, or adapted to poster based presentations. This display material will do much toward showing the public what goes into the development of a large scientific instrument such as the Leighton Telescope. Target audiences will include school children, college students, and the general public.
Talks and Media
April, 2002: A new CSO informational brochure was produced for handing out to the general public.
May 3, 2002: Sunil Golwala of Caltech published an article on BOLOCAM in the local Hawaii newspapers.
May 4, 2002: Sunil Golwala spoke at the Onizuka Visitor's Information Center (VIS).
May 31, 2002: CSO staff member presents the topic of submillimeter
radio astronomy on the Community Forum show of the local radio station
KPUA, 670 AM.
June, 2002: We updated our display at the Lyman House Museum.
The CSO poster, brochures, and the model of the CSO on display at the
Lyman House Museum in Hilo, HI.
(The computer monitor in the foreground is part of a Gemini Observatory display
Electrical engineering students from the University of Michigan Radiation Laboratory tour the CSO. (Professor Rebeiz
is the third from the left.) June, 2002.