The time for the Earth to turn this small angle is about
four minutes. This little difference would cause no concern
if it were always the same, but it is not! Recalling that
the Earth moves in an elliptical path (much exaggerated in
Fig. 1) around the Sun, rather than a circular path, it turns out
that the Earth is nearer to the Sun in January than in July.
The difference is about three million miles (out of an
average distance of ninety-three million miles). The speed
of the Earth in its orbit increases as it gets nearer to the
Sun. Since the Earth is closest to the Sun in January and
furthest in July, it follows that the Earth is moving more
rapidly in its orbit in January than in July! Thus, the
Earth must rotate a little more each day from October to
April to return to a chosen spot to face the Sun again.
This small amount each day accumulates until it amounts to
a difference of 7.7 minutes on April 2. Having to
turn a little more each day means the sundial lags behind
the standard clock and so the sundial time minus standard
time on April 2 is -7.7 minutes. From April 2 on, the Earth
rotates a little less each day to return to a chosen spot
to face the Sun again, and this decrease accumulates from
April to October until it amounts to a difference of +7.7
minutes on October 2. The difference between sundial time
and clock time resulting from the varying speed of the Earth
in its orbit is graphically illustrated in Figure 2
Figure 2. (top) The Earth moves slowest at A and fastest at B.
(bottom) Equation of Time component due to the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit. |