Mourns the Passing of Walter Steiger
Dr. Walter R. Steiger passed away
Sunday, February 6, 2011. Walter was a leader of the astronomy
community in Hawaii. Over his long career, he founded the Haleakela
observatory and was one of the scientists who identified Mauna Kea as
one of the best sites for astronomy. Walter recalled those developments
in his
essay on the "Origins of Astronomy in Hawai`i". Walter was the CSO
site manager during the early years of operation. He was involved in
many CSO projects since the late 1980s and actively supported CSO
outreach efforts. Walter was Professor Emeritus of Physics and
Astronomy at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, an Adjunct Professor in
physics and astronomy at the University of Hawaii at Hilo, and a past
Regent of the University of Hawaii.
Followings are the messages from CSO's director Dr. Thomas G. Phillips
and from technical manager Dr. Simon Radford.
Message from Dr. Thomas G. Phillips
Very sad news to relate to you all – Walter Steiger has died in a
traffic accident in Hawaii.
Walter was, for many years, our manager in Hawaii, and was very active
and strong in supporting the staff and the observatory.
Also Betty, his wife, has been a tremendous friend to the staff.
Walter was still very active, taking on many tasks on the Big Island,
and we shall all miss him enormously.
We extend our heartfelt sympathy to Betty and the family.
Message from Dr. Simon Radford
It is with great sadness and regret that I report to you the death of
Walter Steiger, past Site Manager for the CSO. He was killed earlier
today in a traffic accident.
During his long career, Walter was instrumental in the development of
astronomy in Hawaii. He was a founder of the observatory on Haleakela.
We can recall fondly his service as Site Manager during the early years
of CSO operations. For these and other contributions to the community,
he was honored last October at a ceremony at the 'Imiloa center.
Let us remember his buoyant spirit and boundless enthusiasm. Please
join me to extend our deepest sympathy to his family and friends as
they mourn his loss.
Simon Radford
Technical Operations Manager
Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
article about Walter published in Hawaii Tribune-Herald on February 08,

Walter Steiger
at the CSO office in Hilo, Hawaii.
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