CSOLOGO1 CSOLOGO2 1.1mm continuum camera Bolocam completed dust imaging of Perseus Molecular Cloud

Bolocam, 1.1mm continuum camera, made large field imaging of cold dust cloud in Perseus Molecular Cloud.  This represents the largest millimeter continuum map of Perseus to date.  In total 122 molecular cores have been detected in this survey.  The Bolocam survey reveals considerably denser, more compact material than maps in other column density tracers such as 13CO and AV, although the general morphologies are roughly consistent.  Combining with the c2d Spitzer Legacy data on Perseus, the results provide a census of dense cores and protostars in Perseus and improve our understanding of the earliest stages of star formation in molecular clouds.  The result was published by Enoch et al 2006 in Astrophysical Journal

Figure 1. Bolocam 1.1 mm map of the Perseus Molecular Cloud, which covers 7.5 deg(143 pc2 at a distance of 250 pc (34000 data points in total).

Bolocam Core Maps Perseus
Figure 2. Bolocam 1.1 mm map of the Perseus Molecular Cloud, with the 122 1.1mm sources detected by small circles. Regions of high source density are magnified in the diagram.