These are pictures of high redshift detection in the Submillimeter and Millimeter wavelengths not visible in the Near Infrared and Optical wavelengths.
Both main background pictures are in the Near Infrared or optical.
Left picture - Grey contours are by SHARC2, Blue and green indicates Bolocam’s positioning.  Bolocam is a 1.1mm wavelength bolometer camera.
Right picture- Green contours are by SHARC2, Blue is Bolocam’s positioning.
SHARC2 and Bolocam indicators reveal structures not seen in the Near infra-red or optical wavelengths.
~ Melanie Leong ~

The source is interesting because the relatively bright 1 mm / 350 micron fluxes imply a large luminosity (~10^13 L_solar) for an object at cosmological distances, and the extremely faint radio emission (< 40 muJy) and lack of an optical counterpart support this interpretation.  The radio / far-IR correlation implies z ~ 4.4.  Thus this is likely a hyper-luminous starburst at high redshift with large amounts of optical extinction, meaning it may only be studied in the (sub)millimeter.
James Aguirre