This is a system diagram of the DSOS.
The CSO consists in part of a 10.4 meter primary mirror.  The dish has 84 hexagonal panels made of aluminum epoxied onto a honeycomb backing that is mounted on a steel backing structure.
Simply by using the properties of the in-place steel rod standoff itself, the DSOS expands and contracts, without mechanical gears. The system does no harm to the original mechanical tune of the primary.  Turn the DSOS off and the dish goes back to it s original state.
There are 99 standoff assemblies which I will show in the next slides. Wiring and plumbing were routed to distribute the weight of the material as evenly as possible on the backing structure.
I split the dish into 4 quadrants. The different colored lines indicate the different quadrants.
The electronics are housed in 3 racks seen on the right.
The refrigerated baths, pumps, manifolds, and coolant lines, are shown here on both sides of the dish.
~Melanie Leong~