In February 1999, the only specification given to me was to expand or contract a steel rod standoff +/- 25µm.
This would in turn reduce the surface error from 25 µm to 15 µm RMS.  Improve the aperture efficiency by a factor of 2, integration time by a factor of 4.
Several single channel prototypes were made and one proven to work at sea level.  This working setup was installed on the summit and tested over many days and nights.  This helped flesh out not only it’s capabilities but also it’s limitations.  This also helped determine parts and materials, in order to create the best working environment for the prototype.
Thermal studies were conducted to learn about any adverse effects on the dish.  These effects were determined to be tolerable.
A 3 Channel Controller & Driver prototype was built and tested on the dish.  In January 2001, I demonstrated its capabilities to Tom Phillips.  In response, he wanted all 99 built immediately.
~Melanie Leong~