Back in February 1999, the only specification given to me was to build a system to expand or contract 99 steel rod standoffs +/- 25µm.
The steel rod standoffs are called toothpicks.

After calculating what kind of force would be needed to attain such a goal, I built and tested several versions of a single channel prototype to see if the desired expansion and contraction could be reached.  These tests agreed with our calculated predictions of temperature to length change, along with determining the parts and material that would accomplish this.

A single channel setup was tested on the summit during the day and also at night.  Night performance is more relevant.  I conducted other tests to check the degree of temperature effects in areas around an acted upon standoff.  These effects were determined tolerable.

A 3 Channel Controller/Driver prototype was built and tested on the dish.  I demonstrated its capabilities with dial indicators to Tom Phillips.  In response, he wanted all 99 done ASAP.

~Melanie Leong~