Significant Dates for CSO
1960s Infrared astronomy under development (G. Neugebauer)
1968?��������� Bob Leighton begins development of telescope dishes
1970? �������� Al Moffet, radio astronomer, joins Caltech to develop OVRO
1974 Tom
Phillips becomes acquainted with Leighton and problems in
1975 ���� ��� Bob
Leighton starts building the prototype telescopes for Owens Valley
1978����������� Funding from NSF for OVRO interferometer
1979����������� Tom Phillips joins Caltech faculty
1983�� �������� OVRO
completed, Tom Phillips starts on CSO
1985����������� Dome completed and prepared for shipment to
1986����������� CSO construction essentially completed.
������������������ Dedication on
work on dome skin completed, routine operation began.
1996������ Georgina
and William Gimbel Building base facility dedicated Feb. 23, 1996.
2003������� Active
optics system went into operation.�
Improvements continued into 2004.