NY Times Obituary
for Robert Leighton
Robert Leighton, 77, Physicist Involved in Space Exploration
By Karen Freeman
Robert B. Leighton, a wide ranging physicist whose work on
telescopes and space exploration gave astronomers new views of the universe,
died on Sunday at a nursing home in
Telescopes invented by Leighton, called Leighton dishes, straddle the line between light and radio telescopes, allowing astronomers to analyze a relatively unexplored area of the electromagnetic spectrum. Leighton is also known for discovering five-minute oscillations in local surface velocities of the Sun, work that opened up a research field called solar seismology. And he was the scientist in charge of the first successful Mars probe, which transmitted close-up pictures of the cratered surface of that planet in 1965.
In an eclectic career, Leighton was drawn from one intriguing problem after another, moving the field forward before moving on himself. �In any new venture he went into,� said Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, a physics professor at the California Institute of Technology, �he skimmed the cream off, then went on to another venture.� With his very inquisitive mind, every funny effect that you�d see in nature he�d try to explain.�
Leighton, a member of the National Academy of Sciences, began his long career at
Caltech with groundbreaking work on particle physics, but he turned his attention to astronomy in the 1950s, inventing cameras that picked up the solar oscillations.
In the 1960s, he was the team leader at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the Mars probes called Mariner 4, 6 and 7. For the first close-ups from Mars, he helped develop a digital television system for use in deep space.� �He was Mr. Television during the Mariner days,� said Dr. Charles Peck, Chairman of the Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy at Caltech. When Mariner 4�s images of Mars reached Earth, they were discouraging for scientists hoping for signs of life. Leighton�s research team, while not ruling out the possibility of life, concluded that conditions of the surface of Mars indicated that the planet did not have the free water presumed necessary for life.
Leighton was also interested in ways to build large,
inexpensive telescopes. He worked on a number of projects in the 1960s and
�70s, building innovative telescopes for
�This is one of the last regions that�s unexplored,� Neugebauer said. �It�s just being explored now.�
A physics text book by Leighton, �Principles of Modern Physics� (McGraw-Hill, 1959) was a standard in the field for decades, and in the 1960s he also helped edit the three volumes of �The Feynman Lectures on Physics� (Addison-Wesley).
Robert Benjamin Leighton was born on
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