AIP���     American Institute of Physics

CIT��������California Institute of Technology in Pasadena

CO        carbon monoxide (a gas common in the ISM)

CSO       Caltech Submillimeter Observatory

DCN      deuterium cyanide (deuterium = heavy hydrogen)

EIS       Environmental Impact Study

em        electromagnetic radiation

HCN       hydrogen cyanide (see DCN above)

ISM        inter-stellar medium

JPL       Jet Propulsion Laboratory (associated with CIT in Pasadena)

NASA      National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NSF         National Science Foundation

OVRO      Owens Valley< Radio Observatory in California

PI             Principal Investigator

RBL         Robert Benjamin Leighton

SIS          a Super-conductor Insulator Super-conductor junction which serves as a sensor of submillimeter em waves

SQPAT   Superconducting Quantum Photon-Assisted Tunneling, the phenomenon that describes the function of the SIS

TGP        Thomas G. Phillips

UK           The United Kingdom