T. G. Phillips � short bio
G. Phillips was educated at Oxford, England, where he received B.A., M.A., and D. Phil. degrees.� His graduate studies were in low temperature
physics.� After one year at Stanford University, he returned to Oxford
for two years and then moved to Bell Telephone Laboratories Physics Research Laboratory
at Murray Hill, N.J.� There he
developed techniques for millimeter and submillimeter detection for
astronomy.� In 1975 he spent one year at London University as University Reader in Physics.�
In 1980 he joined the faculty of Caltech as Professor of Physics.� At Caltech he took on the task of
construction of the Owens Valley Radio Observatory millimeterwave
interferometer, as Associate Director of the Observatory.� In 1982 he became Director Designate� for the Caltech Submillimeter
Observatory, to be constructed in Hawaii, and in 1986, on successful completion of the
construction, became Director.� His
current research interests are in molecular and atomic spectroscopy of the interstellar
medium and in the development of superconducting devices for submillimeter wave